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RE: Cliff Dweller Series - Week 2

in Gods On Chain3 years ago (edited)

Congrats on Dagan!

There are a few players doing extremely well using similar decks in Mythic (with win rates of over 70%). The only difference is that they are running Pyramid Warden

Pyramid Warden -- I am sure it can be useful, against Relic War, for example, but my impression (as a Deception player) PW isn't that amazing card. 1 strength-stealer and it is a pillow that bring you anything from the void after it is torn apart by Deception minions.

Watch @copperpitch video, a PW summoned a Poly from the void. In the second part of the video, you'll see Anubians playing Necronomics + Over the Line. Maybe, this is the way? Because there is another disadvantage of Anubians: everybody knows what to wait from them.

I played Necronomics + Over the Line with zombies. But actually, Anubians might be a better choice (or not).

Just thoughts out loud.

I am doing not so well too by the way. Currently in Solar with new super Aggro Deception deck led by Merrick and Whisper Barons :)