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RE: Merrick Sucks, Whisper Baron Rules. My Impressions About Guild Aggro Deception Deck on WR

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

The Instigator and Mercenary combo looks good, but I always wonder how often they get to combo together

To make Guild synergy happens oftener, I tried this unusual deck:

Screenshot 2022-04-08 at 23-11-37 Full-G@1 GUDecks.png

30 creatures, 24 of them work with Merc' Roar, and all of them work with Instigator. I was inspired by the advice of @meltysquid but I went as far as possible - no spells and relics :) Because Uncanny Rogue's poison opens frontlines and Shady Merchants bring relics. Uncanny Rogue + Dart Maniac together are a killing machine...

The strategy - a sudden Guild mob coming in 1-2 ways.

An interesting idea. From time to time, it works as an avalanche, impressive and fun. Maybe, if I master my playing skills, it can work not bad... But I couldn't play it enough efficient. And I was just tired to keep experimenting. Need a break from Deception.

By the way, a small creature Ronellan Worldwhisperer is a very nice part of this mob. Opponents don't pay attention to this small bird when they see Jinxes and Barons, when they trying to stop them ... Meanwhile, Ronellan Worldwhisperer is making her amazing work.

Screenshot 2022-04-08 at 23-17-56 Gods Unchained Deck Builder GUDecks.png

Maybe, with new cards from the new set, things will work enough well for getting nice results in Mythic WR.


Nice deck, looks like a big high roll deck banking on Desert Mercenary and Frumentarii Instigator.

Desert Mercenary, Frumentarii Instigator, and Whisper Baron. + Opponents don't understand what to wait from this deck.