Hey! Intriguing changes are coming :)
Thalia – very interesting. A Deception sleep deck can be a good idea. Maybe this is the best idea considering new cards.
New Dart Maniac + Uncanny Rogue = a great combo.
Veteran Archer not only can react but it will be able to make two creatures (frontlines for example) hidden. Interesting.
More guild creatures means Frumentarii Instigator gets a bit more value. I want to give it a try.
Lokian Disciple – not enough health to be great.
Vault Vagabond – better they didn’t remove hidden.
Nightleaf Trapper in Sanctum – would be cool.
Among neutral, I want to mention Porphyrion - I enjoy his ward and ability that is the most confusing for the opponent. As I remember, a new one will be: 5 mana ward, 5/5, “At the end of your turn, increase the mana cost of your opponent's god power by 2 until your next turn”. Its price has started growing.
The Hollow - this is what I didn't think about - we will immediately get access to new cards through it! This is a chance :)
Probably, it is going to be a sort of race for getting new cards ... :) Some guys will have game-changing creatures next WR, some of them won't.