Congratulations on the great result! 🥂
I've watched your Deception matches. Got some ideas for my deck on this WR (again in Mythic after grinding this time).
For example, Lethargy Mage amazingly comes well with Lady Marcella. Also, Lethargy Mage can chill those Nature bastards 😄 and it survives Wildfire. So I decided to try playing 2 of them instead of 2 Beguiling Blades.
I'll try playing 2 Umber Arrows since Nature is a bad matchup for my aggro Deception deck, and, at the same time, I encountered many powerful aggro Light decks recently. Although, Umber Arrow can be a dead card. But ... it can win a match as well. Still, not sure since I can have 2 Phase Crawlers instead which are more helpful against Magic decks.
I'll try 1 Nightleaf Trapper which is new for me.
I chose only 1 Makeshift Shiv in the hope that all my card draw options will bring it to me when I need it although this choice was hard - too many Mages has 2 Safeguard Incantation. 2 Umber Arrows can partly compensate this loss.
All these moves to make my deck stronger against aggro archetypes in the hope that big hidden creatures will do their job against Magic anyway.
Trying Contract Broker - its Skulker hits hidden creatures (including ones wounded by Deception god power) so, at last, I can stop a cat that was always deadly for my decks when it was buffed with Dark Knives. It also makes 2 creatures on turn 1 so it's harder for Canopy Barrage to hit the right target. (Like, Switch Duelist + Contract Broker + Contract Broker's Rogue Skulker on turn 1 can save Switch Duelist from Canopy Barrage.) And it breaks protected...
No frontlines :( But I have no PWs.
Lethargy Mage is great against go wide aggro decks like Light and sometimes Nature. Hits Switch Duelist hard too. It's kind of bad against control being understatted.
Umber is great when you can get the 2 for 1. It ends up dead more than I like.
Trapper is a holdover from when Zombies and Anubians were popular. Not sure how worth it is to run now. 1m 2/2 guild isn't the worst.
I didn't like Contract Broker, the 1/1 usually died to something with more than 1hp.
Ok, 1 MJ leggy has been taken 😅 10/18