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huh, thanks for letting me know. I will look into that in case it is stopping other people from joining. I do see you in our welcome landings channel so I'll manually approve you if needed.

Hey. Sorry for not answering for a while - I had a transition from Laos to Thailand - buses, preparing docs for visa, getting visa, buses again... Writing from Bangkok now, happy, my favorite place to be in Southeast Asia πŸ™‚

I do see you in our welcome landings channel so I'll manually approve you if needed.

Thank you! I have checked, I have access to the channel. I see some GU famous names there including one who gifted me shiny Atlanteans a couple of months ago after watching a gameplay of mine with my fun Magic Atlantean deck on Youtube πŸ˜€

Screenshot 2023-07-08 at 11-45-48 Gods Unchained Cards GUDecks.png