Texas Community Chat Options

in Texaslast year

Hey, Texans.

Communities on Hive don't come with native chat features. To communicate in anything other than a blog post, it's necessary to bolt on a third-party service. Fortunately, we have options.

Inleo Threads

You can access Inleo Threads for the Texas Community at https://inleo.io/communities/hive-173291

Threads can only be posted from Inleo. Fortunately, any replies you get can be read on any Hive front end to continue the conversation.

PeakD Bee Chat

PeakD also has a built-in chat feature which can be accessed in the upper right corner. It looks like this:

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 10.21.42 AM.png

Similarly, the chat can only be accessed from the PeakD front end.


There are other commmunities that allow short posts, like the D.Buzz community. Here in the Texas community, short posts are fine. However, keep in mind that too many short posts in a short time can get the attention of downvoters. In other words, don't get carried away with short posts.

We hope that having these venues for conversation are helpful to the Texas community.

 5 months ago  

Snaps are now enabled for the Texas Community.