Hi, Foodies in the Hive!
What foods are on your list of ideal subjects to experiment with in the kitchen? As someone who is somehow sensible to gluten, without a doubt, plantains & bananas are in my top 10. With a little time and patience, you'll see, if you haven't already, that they are just perfect for your #creativecuisine.
Today I want to share with you the result of one of my little experiments in the kitchen: topocho banana hotcakes. Pretty much pancakes made with cooked ripe topocho flesh instead of wheat flour with a twist here and there.
I've made quite a few experiments with topocho bananas. The last recipe I shared was for plant based turnovers made with topocho dough.
And I always bring your attention to the many benefits of this fruit for our overall health,as they are rich in vitamin C and also are a good source for vitamins A and B; its fiber and resistant starch help us digest our whole meal better; as plantains and bananas in general, topochos are also a valuable source of potassium, perfect for us who has not the best circulation.
They're known as rare and most websites I've checked have it that they are popular in Colombia (where they're called colicero bananas), but you must know, topocho is a staple in Venezuela, too.
The hotcakes I made today are the kind that you can use with sweet or savory fillings even when they are sweet and have a tiny hint of vanilla.
For 1 kg of batter approx.:
- 500 gr cooked ripe topocho bananas
- 1/2 cups egg whites
- 1/2 cups egg (2 medium size eggs approx.)
- 4 spoonfuls sugar
- 1/2 cups yogurt
- 1/3 melted margarine
- 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
- just a few drops vanilla essence
- 2 spoonfuls cornstarch
- 4 spoonfuls mozzarella cheese
- a little oil to fry only the first hotcake (the rest will roast, just as with pancakes or crepes)
- Cheese & whatever leftovers in your fridge. I had stewed black beans and guacamole from yesterday's lunch 😁
To make these hotcakes, I started by washing the bananas well, as they were going to cook in their peel. Then I cut the edges of the bananas and made a superficial cut lengthwise to help them cook faster and be peeled more easily. I put the topocho bananas in a pot big enough and covered them with water. After the water boiled, they cooked for a couple of minutes. Then I drained them.
I peeled them all after 3 or 4 minutes when the had cooled.
I weighed them. There was 1.2 kg. I'd use half of that.
I sliced 600 gr of topocho bananas directly over the blender glass.
Then I added all the ingredients, except the mozzarella cheese and the cornstarch; the latter I could've added, but I didn't for no particular reason. The order to add the ingredients in the glass was not important.
The lemon juice would add flavor and aroma; it'd enhance the acidic hint the bananas had begun to lose as they ripened. And as it reacted with baking soda, it'd help the batter take more air and become lighter once it cooked.
I didn't have liquid margarine or clarified butter, nor did I want to use oil because it makes the batter heavier, so I simply melted the margarine I needed in a pot.
More egg whites than whole eggs makes the batter take more air. Yolks make the batter softer but also denser. So I used some extra egg whites I had in the fridge.
When I was adding the sugar, I thought about the fillings I would use and stopped when I had added like two tablespoons or less. And you can't see it in the photo, but when I added the yogurt, I also added all the serum; it was like 3 or 4 tablespoons. It was part of the yogurt anyway, and it helped my blender process the whole mixture a little easier.
I had to scrape the walls of the blender glass as the blender was working because the topochos made a dense mixture.
After the mixture was homogeneous, which took only a couple of minutes, I added the shredded mozzarella and the cornstarch I had forgotten to add before.
Below you can see the resulting batter.

There was enough mix for 10 hotcakes. I saved half of it and store it in the fridge in an airtight container.

Only some drops of oil are needed to fry the first hotcake. As you can see, you must be careful when flipping it, lest it break and half of it remains on the spatula. Mess.

See the thin film that forms on the surface. If you cook the hotcake for a long time or at very high heat, it burns easily. So the best is to cook it 1 or 2 minutes on each side over medium heat.
It's not a super flexible cake, but it's flexible enough.

I made these a little thick. If you want them thinner, you must add milk or water to the batter.
Cheese filling is a classic as is honey. We were less orthodox for lunch and added leftover stewed black beans and guacamole from yesterday's lunch.
WOW WOW! Esto si me abrió el apetito jajaja, excelente amiga que digo me dio ganas de morder la pantalla 😱 guardado en mis marcadores , mi cumpleaños se asoma y con el está preparación jajaja, de verdad excelente amiga
@sagarkothari88 vote 18%, excelente preparación
@sagarkothari88 vote 18%
Hay que prepararte tu regalo de cumpleaños 😁
Gracias por pasar a probar y así me ayudas a acabar con el racimo de topocho, jajaja.
Un abrazo ❤️
Demasiado bueno , podemos acabar con media plantación jajaja
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Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️Hey @marlyncabrera! upvoted based on request from @edwing357
Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @creativecuisine 😁 Much appreciated ❤️
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Hola @marlyncabrera
A la orden, es un gusto apoyar tu contenido. Esta receta está buenísima. El topocho es una fruta versátil, que da distintos matices de sabor. Nunca la he preparado así, pero lo haré, ya que esta idea es genial. Estupenda preparación. Saludos.
Hola, querida @sirenahippie ❤️ Los topochos dan para muchas recetas. Yo me pongo a inventar porque mi comadre siempre me trae en cantidad indsutrial, pero cuando los compro en el mercado, unos 6-8 topochos, normalmente lo que hago es tostón. Los tostones d etopocho fueron una sorpresa más o menos reciente para mí; yo los hacía con plátano verde. Pero con topocho se hacen mejor con menos o nada de aceite. Espero ver tus panquecas de topocho pronto 😁 Gracias por pasar y por todo el apoyo.
Los tostones de topocho son deliciosos, y si los consigues pintones y haces tajadas con ellos, son una exquisitez, les puedes incluso poner un tantico de sal luego de fritas, una delicia total. Sí, espero poder hacer estas panquecas. Antes mis plantas de topocho daban carga constantemente, ahorita tienen más de un año que no dan fruto, las estoy recuperando.
Yo tuve dos maticas alguna vez,pero las descuide y las perdí. Ahora que la candela del sol ha bajado, yo estoy tratando de organizar mi mini conuco de nuevo. Veremos cómo va. Espero que las tuyas te alegren pronto.
Me confieso amante del plátano y sus primos hermanos el topocho y el cambur, sin duda nos permiten preparar recetas deliciosas, tan versátiles que su sabor es perfecto en dulces y salados. Me encanta el resultado de tus panquecas, suaves, gruesas y el relleno perfecto.
Así como se ven saben!
Gracias por compartir esta preparación parte del gran recetario que se encuentra en la blockchain ❤️
Esta vez llegue a tiempo ☺️
El recetario de la blockchain de Hive es inmenso. Muchas recetas se repiten, pero cada quien tiene su manera particular de matar piojos culinarios, jaja.
Las panquecas de topocho son buenas. Son saciantes y se digieren suavecitas. Me encantan. Las tradicionales con harina de trigo y leche me fascinan, pero no las podemos comer tanto.
Gracias por la visita y la motivación, querida @aguamiel ❤️
Son riquísimas... la mezcla con el queso es brutal -hasta ahora no lo había hecho- para la próxima te cuento. Cada quien con sus maneras y esta a mi me encanto.
te abrazo querida mía.
I’ve watched several videos on how to make pancakes and anytime I want to try them out, I don’t always get it
It does not taste well just like the ones I eat outside
I hope I give it a try again
Hi, @rafzat ❤️ If you're having trouble making your pancakes fluffy, perhaps you're not letting the batter settle. Once we mix all the ingredients, the batter must rest in the fridge for 20-30 minutes. Also try adding buttermilk or yogurt instead of plain milk. And, very important, go for the traditional wheat flour batters first. Flourless banana batters are tricky.
Thank you so much for dropping by 😁
Son unas bellezas estas panquecas de topochos! Más perfectas imposible. Su esponjosidad y suavidad se ven a simple vista! Parece que se derritieran en la boca! 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Te confieso que soy de las que come las panquecas con casi todo y a cualquier hora y tu combinación esta simplemente exquisita y super práctica la presentación para darle un buen mordisco!🥰😋
Alguna de las combinaciones que amo son con arequipe, jamón y queso; me encanta con pollito guisado. También me gusta con mantequilla, mermelada y quesito llanero! Mejor no sigo! Jajajaja!
Gracias, @marlyncabrera por compartir estas delicias. El topocho llevó las panquecas a otro nivel.👏👏👏👏👏
Una vez ví una receta de una muchacha nigeriana que le ponía cebolla morada a la mezcla de las panquecas. Me caí plop, jaja. Así no las he probado, pero con los rellenos, casi no tengo límites; lo único es que si las panquecas están muy dulces, no lo pienso dos veces; queso es 😌
Normalmente, para pollo guisado, las hago delgadas o hago crepes de una vez. Me está dando hambre 🤣
Lo máximo. La mermelada que sea de durazno o piña, por favor.
Qué hambre, Zu 😂 Gracias por pasar ❤️