A lovely recipe you've shared here, good writing and good pictures, but I hope you don't mind if I give one piece of advice. You have 8 photos of the finished meal with barely any difference between them. We have to scroll through four of them to even start reading your recipe and method. For some people it can take a little while to load a post with lots of photos, so it can get annoying when there are so many which are essentially the same.
I recommend choosing just one photo in cases like this that you like the best. I personally would have just used this one:
It looks good, represents the dish well and it is landscape, so it will look good as a thumbnail. You don't need the others to fill out your post as you already have plenty more which show us your method. So please don't overdo the photos. Sometimes simpler is better. 🙂
Thank you for this advice @minismallholding. I will surely take note.