Sometimes our expectation won't happen.

in Cent14 hours ago

every time we execute a plan or doing things, we often expect things to happen smoothly or at least we could reach the goal that we want very easily. But often time things are not working that way. There will always be chances that life will throw something that you have never accounted for your plan that will ruin everything.

And when we hit the tough luck, then those things that life throw at you is really hard that you can't work around it to be able to reach the goal that you have set. That is when you should throw the white towel and take a rest so that you can evaluate things once again. calculate things once again so that you can have a fresh look over your goal and plan.


So lesson learned that often times your expectation won't happen to the way you are thinking. Not because you are bad, but it is because it is how life usually treat people. there will be unexpected things that could happen anytime on your plan.

Don't blame yourself when you think you are failing, it is the life we are fighting at, and there are times that we will fail. we just need to be better next time, and try again one more time.