Why do people depend on others for financial support when you can start small?

in Cent2 years ago

Hello Cent platform! I'm back again and this time I want to explain to how you can start small and turn it into a big enterprise overtime.



Many people depends on other people for means of survival and the resultant effect of this is that, they continue to be in under these people for ever.

Many people I've asked why they aren't engaged in any business venture(s) said, they lacked startup capital. This indeed can be a serious challenge and truth be told, I've faced this challenge before but I've come out of it.

The major challenge is that many don't want to start small in their business career. Little do people know that starting small gives them the opportunity to understand how such businesses work. Just imagine venturing into a business you have little or no idea about and you invested much capital into it. The truth is that crashing is inevitable.

It is not a sin to start small, but it'll be one if you remain small longer than expected. This is the gospel truth. Starting small helps you understand the nitty-gritty of the business and also helps you know your profit and loss margin.

I know that everyone depends help to get to their desired destination, but how long will they continue to issue out these supports. Why not use the little they've given you to start a small scale business and as you grow, they'll become proud of you.

I was once told about a man who kept on visiting a rich man for help. The rich man gave him money and he continued visiting the man for help until it came to the point that when the man saw him coming man starting hiding from him. Is either you start small or they'll continue to hide from you and call you a bagger.

There's nothing to lose if you start small but there's everything to lose if you remain small.


If that is the man abusing the generosity of the rich man. But yeah, we can always start small, at least we can try our best to fulfill our basic needs.

Thanks for your point, I appreciate

I agree with you. Most people do not realize that earnings will increase as experience and capital management skills increase. All of a sudden, they don't care that starting at a high level will bring harm from their lack of management skills.

I agree with you, actually lack of management experience can lead to the fall of such high oriented business.