Automate everything!

in Cent25 days ago

I kinda like to automate as much as I can in my life. But I am not rich enough to automate things like cooking or eating. So, Ohh well. Lets just stick with automating things here on Hive, which I also like to do!

My main account, this account cwow2.
Have most of its votes automated and some doesn't agree with that and thats fine. It follows @hivepakistan's trail which is manual curating peoples posts, so its not like it just follows a bot :D

I also use @keychain's automatically claim feature, where they automatically claims your earned HP & Hive from posts. Its a neat feature to get more HP faster, it might sound ridiculous to make it auto-claim 0.2 HP or 2 HP a day. But its the small gains!

@keychain did also "fairly" recent come out with auto-staking feature for L2 Tokens on HE which is amazing. I get different tokens from HP delegations and manually every staking was getting annoying, so auto-staking them is amazing via @keychain :D

I am doing this with a few accounts. One is a market maker helping to stabilize a tokens price.

One is staking Neoxian and voting with that power by following an account. Its does also automatically stake more Neoxian I get and I have delegated a little bit of HP, so every HP going forward is going to be delegated to Neoxiancityvb so I receive Neoxian as an reward which will be staked.
Perfect auto-Loop :D

Its a neat and fast way to automate stuff without having to code yourself.
Now we just need a way to automatically sent L2 Tokens to & from accounts, completing the auto-actions on chain :D


Wow that's really amazing. Seems like automation is not as bad as I thought

which is manual curating peoples posts, so its not like it just follows a bot :D

You can check stats from hivediscobot or kembot. If u find anyone misusing power by voting their friends more then we can always discuss it. :)

It's independent curators triggering the votes. So human error is involved. We can fix it anytime by removing any sus curator.

I’m going to automate the claiming piece soon, I stopped it a while back because you could only do it on and it doesn’t integrate with keychain which annoyed me lol

I think I have both setup which might conflict though xD

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @idayrus suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

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