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RE: Religion, Culture, & the Role of Movies in Society

in Cent6 months ago

La religión, cultura y el rol de la sociedad es un tema delicado de tratar, pero la escena que muestra la actriz Nancy Isime en llevar el niqab corto con una pistola en la mano, representa una falta para los clérigos islámicos... ¿Entonces como representan la escena? ¿Llevar un niqab o no? ¿La pistola en la mano es necesaria? o ¿La película representa para los musulmanes una falta grave?Hola @iskafan, Un saludo a la @cent.

Religion, culture and the role of society is a delicate subject to discuss, but the scene shown by the actress Nancy Isime in wearing the short niqab with a gun in her hand, represents a fault for Islamic clerics? So how do they represent the scene? To wear a niqab or not? Is the gun in the hand necessary? or does the film represent for Muslims a serious fault?Hi @iskafan, A salute to the @cent.


Hello @emocomun

We are yet to see the movie. It's not out.

We only got to see a picture of the scene. So we do not know if it went against the religion or not.

But we are told the film is under scrutiny. So if it does break any rule, it will be banned.