#36: The Things We Do For Money

in Cent5 months ago

The quest for money and power.

In the past, people have put in so much effort to strive for having these two important products in their life. But the question that comes into the question here is whether or not such conveniences are worth it?

Today the pattern of achieving goals and being successful is associated with having lots of money and being in possession of some kind of power. We are constantly surrounded with influences of the relics of power and wealththe cars they drive, the clothes they wear, the places they go. It is not very difficult to imagine that if only we could have more money and more authority, all the difficulties would cease to exist.


what we see here is far removed from this kind of image. Money and power are some of the things that most people struggle for, but in the process they lose so much. We lose our hours, friends, and principles to the ladder or the money we so long for desperately. We watch individuals bend the rules, even act selfish and corrupt just to get their way or to gain a promotion.

But at what point do we stop and say to ourselves can it really be worth it? Are temporary sensual pleasures and power more important than honest person and humanity? Is it really worth sacrificing our vision of value, meaning of life, relationships, and our health?

It could be we need to reconsider what it means to be successful. Rather than equate success with the amount of money in one’s pocket or against the prestige of the position on one’s office plate, let’s begin to look at the things that make us happy and contented. It is time to focus on what really matters in our life: our relationships, health and being happy.

We may wear beautiful clothes, be powerful and rich, but health, relationships, meaning these are the things that will last. Therefore let us not quite spend a lifetime chasing man’s dream of wealth and power as recognized by the world but instead creating and building a life worth living. Failing where it counts and succeeding where it does not matter it is not the amount of money in the bank that defines us nor the power we wield, it is the civilizer of the soul – are we good people in this world?