Greetings to my esteemed friends on the Cent commumity and the entire hive blockchain. It's another day and time to share with you the importance of transferring your thoughts into tangible substances that can create values to you and your society. It's your friend @faquan, saying hello from this part of the world.
One of the greatest gift God has given to mankind is the gift of reasoning and innovation through the ability of thinking deep and applying those thoughts into something real that can provide or produced value that will help the individual and the society become better.
It is inherent in man to create and recreate things through their mind but it becomes a problem when the creativity is not brought into limelight. This means that so many people think creatively but very few put their thoughts into practice and that is why we have the rich-poor dichotomy and the have and the have nots across the world.
Actually, thoughts comes informed of inspirations and disappear or evaporates like air. When thoughts are not written down they are easily forgotten and once forgotten to become meaningless and wasted. One of the ways to make thoughts become things is to write every thought that comes into your mind that can produce positive results and great value that will be useful to the development of mankind and the society.
It has been proven scientifically that mankind has not used one-third of her brain in bringing development to man and the society. This means that many people think and reason was very few translate that reasoning into value that can help the society grow.
How to make your thoughts become things?
- Write every idea down and brainstorm on them.
- Research about the idea to know if it is achievable or not.
- Ask for clarity from those ahead of you (mentors) to get further ideas from their experience.
- Navigate your thoughts into short and long term goals.
Thanks for reading!
Great thoughts!
Thank you
You're welcome!
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@kopiko-blanca(1/5) tipped @faquan