organizations, managers or platforms that hold the responsibility of getting your music out there have more control over the royalties and how far your music goes or even to which audience the music gets to.
The above is the sad reality. Unfortnately, these guys reap the biggest rewards of efforts they know nothing about. Imagine what it takes to write a music script, design lyrics and make the video. These take long and enough financial input. At the end a platform takes a higher percentage of royalty. The middleman has killed music.
Web3 will give back full ownership of content and distribution to the artist, ensuring that they earn all royalties as long as the music sells. Web3 comes with a huge promise. The protection of intellectual music property is there, protection from fake reproduction of music is there, transparency of all transactions and most important, censorship resistance.
Just as you mentioned, there are challenges to implementation. But as web3 continues to get better, these challenges would be overcome. The music industry needs a facelift and web3 would provide it