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RE: My Take on Biden's 2024 State of the Union Address

in Centlast year

firearms themselves are not a threat to human life any more than a hammer or a bat is, in fact "assault rifles" and rifles of all types are used less frequently to kill Americans than things like hammers or bats. You should ask yourself why Biden is going after a class of weapons that takes the fewest number of lives statistically. Wouldn't it make more sense to go after a class of weapons used in 95%+ of shootings than one used in less than 1%?
So obviously they don't have good motives and are lying when they claim that somehow that could lead to a significant reduction in "gun violence", another pejorative misnomer, gun's aren't violent, people are. The anti gun folks lie constantly. What they really want is to disarm law abiding citizens because none of their laws affect criminals and only restrict and criminalize legal users. The only reason to disarm law abiding people who don't commit crimes is so that you can kill them more easily. Did you know that statistically citizens with concealed carry permits commit violent crimes at a rate that is a tiny fraction of the rate of violent crimes committed by actual police officers?