Every time I tell myself this "Do not be the reason why someone out there is hurt, sad, and tired of life" because you never know what they are struggling with secretly, you never know the pain they are going through, you never know the demons they are trying to fight to remain standing and strong. Let your words or actions not be the reason another is sad and in a bad state.
This is the reason I have a mantra that says, "If you hurt me, I would hurt you back" I would find everything and do everything within my power to make sure that you feel the heat of my burnt caused by you and truthfully, I am never going to stop, at that moment, I do not care who you see me as, and all caution is thrown into the wind because I will go all out especially those who do not care about others and would even go as far as gaslighting one when they are shown or cautioned for their actions, I always give chances, so when you hurt me, I mark a streak until you get to my last streak before I make a big mole out of the situation, and most times the last streak may be a small issue that doesn't even warrant a payback but regardless, I believe in payback, so will be paying back.

Yesterday, I boarded a minibus to go for my hair appointment, and I witnessed a devastating and heartbreaking moment between the bus driver and one of the passengers, an elderly woman, I witnessed an elderly woman break down due to the rude tone and hard words from the driver and I just could not help but hate the man for making the woman feel that way.
Well, since I did not know what transpired between them before now and to an extent from what I saw the woman wasn't right but she did not deserve the words thrown at her by the bus driver, but then, the words were so mean that I took a long and hard stare at the driver for the mirror to show him my displeasure.
Do most people deserve the words and actions they get due to their actions, of course, they very well do but in this case, I could see from her face that she didn't mean harm and from all indications didn't know her words weren't the right thing to say to even infuriate the bus driver who was frustrated as a result of not having change. Do unto others what you want to be done to you, is the mantra and if you can not keep that mantra, I don't think you should be expecting from people. Do good to others and when they do good to you, reciprocate and be grateful, most people are not just ungrateful, they can never reciprocate the goodwill done to them to another person.
I recently asked someone this question "This thing I did to you, if I had come to you for this same help, would you have done it for me" because I realized that from all indications, she would never have gone to that length at which I went to help her. Most people are the reasons they never get good and true friends/people around them because their character and actions show they are too not a good and true friend/person.
If you do not have people you can call upon for help, encouragement, or support then you need to take a break and check yourself out. I know many of us do not like to disturb people but then, many of us know our cycle and we know that we've got friends/people who's got our back anytime we need them except they can not help at that moment but like they say the thought counts.
Let's try to do better, do right, and do well by ourselves and for ourselves because you may think you don't need anyone but you do need people to keep standing. When we wake up each day, let's all try to do right, we don't know when we will need someone and we may never have them when that time comes.