Don't lose yourself

in Cent28 days ago


No matter how old you may feel, no matter how you feel like you've not been able to achieve as many goals as you wish to achieve, don't lose yourself because you are valuable. We have the early bloomers and the late bloomers not just physically but mentally and otherwise, so it's fine to be a late bloomer as long as you are not comfortable in your comfort zone and you are willing to reach out regardless of how slow it may seem.

No matter how old you seem, you will and can do what needs to be done, you can achieve what needs to be achieved, and don't feel ashamed amid peers as they talk about their big wins or achievements making you feel that your wins aren't big or that your achievement isn't worth the news or celebration compared to theirs, don't be distracted, share your wins, it is worth the listening ears and worth the hype.

This is the thing, if I bring two 1000 naira notes, one old and one new one, even though people would prefer to pick the new one, because, of course, it is a new note, the truth remains that, both naira notes are still 1000 naira, they are of the same value.

The old note will not lose its value and become 990 naira all because it is an old note, neither will be new note increase in value and become 1090 naira because it is a new note, even though different appearance, they are worth the same and has the same value when one decides to spend them. None has value more than the other and none reduces value more than the other.

You might have gone through terrible situations, had your rough paths, had tour rough times and life has been so harsh on you, but don't let it deprive you of what you are worth, and don't let it make you feel you are less, because You are valuable!

Don't lose yourself!
