It's a new year and many of us are trying to set 2025 year resolutions and putting things in place to help us achieve the goals we wish for ourselves but as we do this, let's all not forget to put ourselves first, let's all not forget to set our personality, values, and boundaries because it's going to help us be conscious of whatever do we.
I hope we choose to love and it remains a priority for us this time not love as we know it, not our burning desire for a home in someone else, I mean love for ourselves, and for the human we've become. I hope we look at ourselves with eyes filled with wonder for ourselves, I hope we try to explore the islands in us that have remained uncharted and hidden away for fear of rejection.
I hope we choose to love ourselves, I hope we choose to love our scars, and all the marks the years have left on us, I hope we choose to make peace with our past and make peace with our shadows to be okay with the silence and find some comfort in our skin and love our skin.

I hope we choose to believe in ourselves even if nobody chooses to believe in ourselves, I hope we choose to love ourselves with all our time, strength, effort and so much tender. I hope you choose to accept your struggles, challenges, and happiness. I hope we choose to speak to ourselves compassionately and with so much love, delicateness, and tenderness because we deserve it. I hope we choose to love ourselves enough, not to lose hope as we write our resolutions for the New Year. I hope we choose to love ourselves enough even if nobody loves us the way we would want to or love to because we deserve it from us.
It's a New Year as we prepare for the new year resolution, let's prepare to choose ourselves enough, I hope we choose to prioritize ourselves loudly and boldly with so much love, tenderness, delicateness, wonder, compassionately, peacefully, and believe in ourselves as we do that.
Choose to love yourself, choose to be at peace with your past, present, challenges, struggles, and pains, and choose to be happy with yourself and for yourself because you deserve it. Choose to love you, choose to believe in yourself, choose to find peace, choose to move on even when you fail and fall, choose to love, and let it remain a priority for you.
Happy New Year
Well scripted.
Making choices is one of the most difficult but nicest things to do.
I also have a prompt about Choice here