Just yesterday, I bought half a bag of sachet water for just a hundred and fifty naira, which wasn't so bad after all, but this evening I heard someone selling for a hundred and eighty naira. In just twenty-four hours, a new price of the same thing I bought yesterday is being sold.
The wealthy may likely not feel the bad economy and the hike of things just yet, but what happens to the middle class and the poor masses, what is the option for them?
Things aren't the same anymore, many have had to stretch themselves when it started and now it is not getting better any more, neither any sooner because before now, for obvious reasons, during the festive period, prices of things are never the same, and now that the normal prices are times two of what the festive period brings to us, what is the way forward?
I know we are in the hard times, I know we are going through a whole lot in our lives, and I know our dreams are looking unrealistic, because of the way things have turned out for us regarding the economy but never stop pushing because you just don't know when it will be your turn.
A destiny they say may be delayed but it can never be denied, just one day, it takes just one day for things to turn around in the life of a person, so never stop pushing because it is looking like things are not going to get better.
Never stop pushing even if you feel like the ray of light is far from where you are standing, just maybe it is just your misconception about exactly where the light may be right now.
Never stop pushing while you continue being proud of yourself and how far you have come, it takes a determined soul to push to this extent, so keep pushing because your ray of light and hope may likely not be fat anymore.
Yes, my dear sis, we keep pushing the frontiers no matter how the country had.
No one gets ahead by standing still.