The lives of Others matter too!

in Cent3 months ago


In a world where people are looking out for themselves first, we are in a world where people are not just selfish but self-centered. We are in a world where people are in a friendship or relationship for selfish reasons and to fulfill their needs. Yeah, I know daily we preach love yourself first, put yourself first, and consider yourself first but it doesn't mean at the detriment of others or at the detriment of some other person's life that is being selfish, self-centered, and wicked to humanity.

I am watching a short reel where a prankster pranked two ladies who I guess are friends, and I know that their prank was scary but why would you run out of fear only to lock the gate on your friend out of fear, what about thinking about not just your safety but the safety of others?

I recently watched another one but this time it involved a man and a woman who from all indications are in a romantic relationship, but colour me surprised when this young man ran in and locked the gate against his woman, leaving her outside to face the worst if that had happened truly?

I watched these both reels and I kept asking myself if I would have done the same thing to my friends or anyone, but then, I can not imagine doing such to my friends or even a stranger. We are both faced with danger, and there is a way out, why would I choose to opt for safety leaving the other person in danger?

What happened to just running and leaving the door open for the next person to save herself, I mean, I know we are faced with danger and thinking of an escape route, we are looking for a way to save our lives but why endanger the next person life, why endanger the life of another person who you can not save. Why not just leave the gate open, what happens to leaving the gate open and running for our lives?

Where is our humanity, where is our heart, why have we decided to be selfish, self-centered, and inhumane to understand that even though we are meant to put ourselves first, our lives first, we are not meant to endanger the lives of others because that life matters too.?___

I am just going over the scenario of my friends going out and along the line, we find ourselves faced with danger, I get that in such a moment, fear sets in, our emotions are high, and survival instinct is up the roof, at that moment, safety is what we are after and the best option is to run for our lives, especially if we can not avert the situation but would I run out and then turn around to lock the only escape route my friends are meant to use to escape?

I have thought about it, and it doesn't just make sense, maybe it is scripted content, which it doesn't look like, but I still think this is probably the worst thing anyone would do to someone, it's even and if I am faced with such situations, I am not sure I am ever going to trust such person again.



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