You can not fix what you don't know!

in Cent2 months ago


And he said "Gather the right information to be able to start what you intend to start" Here I was afraid of failing when I had yet to make concrete plans and strategies on what to do, here I was afraid of falling the second time, perhaps because I failed and fell the first time, I was afraid it was going to happen again, I was so afraid that I could not see the possibility right before me, I let my fear becloud and overwhelm my sense of thinking rationally.

I was afraid of putting in my energy t and resources and getting nothing to show for it again because it had happened the first time, because I have seen people experience loss, setback, and failure, and I felt it was going to happen to me a second time, so I refused to even make a step or try other than conceive the idea in my mind and keep nursing it but it was not flourishing because I was not watering it the right way.

Fear can hinder someone, fear puts limitations on what one can do, fear has put people on hold, fear has kept people under the book-shelf, fear has hidden and quenched the light of many because they just couldn't try to come out to the light, they couldn't take a step, even when they knew what to do. The worst of this all is that many people are afraid even with the wrong information, many are hidden with little or no information about what is supposed to be done and what is not supposed to be done and the best way to fight fear is with information, because you can not fix what you don't know.

Boldness, confidence, and self-esteem come from self-awareness and knowledge, not just any knowledge but the right one which puts one on track and pace. A phone practitioner who has prior knowledge about how to repair a phone when given the phone to work on will not work on it or will not help to fix it but destroy it more because he does not know what he is doing. Even if he had a head knowledge or foresight, going ahead to learn more about the types of phones and how to work on different types of phones, would help put him on the right track and in the place to fix whichever phone is brought to him.
