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RE: Cent Tribe

in Cent2 years ago (edited)

אני גם מדבר עברית אגב אירה. אני יהודי! אין צורך לכעוס על זה שאת עושה טעות. אני מעדיף שנדבר במקום לראות את החשבון שלך נכנס לרשימה השחורה. אני עושה את זה לטובתך.

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באמת יפת אשכנזי ככה עושה יהודי ליהודי? בוא אף אחד לא יחסום אותי בגלל התמונה שלי, בעלי עובד בשביל soome אגב הוא מסביר לי הכל

ולא רק התמונה הזאת, אני מצלמת את המקרונים שלי אתה שם לי אנלייק, תמונה עם בעלי אנלייק.. עכשיו תאמת אבל אתה בא ללמד או לערבב? יש לך משהו נגדי שאני אבין פשוט?? באיזה קטע לא באתי לך טוב?

לא, אין לי שום דבר נגדך. כבר אמרתי לך שאסיר את ההצבעה כלפי מטה.

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Once more Iraa, i am glad you came to me and we talked about it. I will not be downvoting your posts any longer no matter what. However, please bear in mind the facts i told you about before the Watchers start attacking your account. I gave your comments three big 100% Upvotes both with SoMee and PoB. You will be getting those in a week to your wallet. Sorry for making you angry. I know you told me to communicate with you before downvoting. Although that makes perfect sense. It has never worked for me. People you communicate with via private message about issues like this likely ignore you and continue doing what may get them into trouble. Not saying you would have done the same, as you are an individual and have nothing to do with them. But that has just been my experience unfortunately.

No, it is not about anyone blocking you. It is the Hive Watchers that will not allow you to post because you are not sourcing the pictures Iraa. Please always put a reference of the pictures you post if that is what you want to do. Never post pictures with no comments. You may not get attacked right away by the Hive Watchers. But at some point you will. There are lots of people using SoMee getting spam downvoted by Hive Police Bots because they put their personal pictures all of the time and the Hive Watchers cannot identify if the pictures are stolen off the internet or not. Yes, i agree it is really stupid. But before you have your account banned, i rather you and other people that are doing this talk to me. I will remove the downvote. But make sure going forward you do not continue making this mistake because the watchers will come after you. They did it to me and i write a lot. They flagged many off my posts a few months ago because i did not source pictures. I had a discussion with them about it. That is why you don't see me putting Memes or Pictures often unless they are Hive related and are my records which Hive can't deny it is mine.

Posted using Proof of Brain