....LET'S TALK VALUE: Staying Relevant & On-Demand

in Cent3 months ago

I was watching this clip where a man was teaching and he brought out a hundred dollar and asked who wanted everyone raised their hands, he then squeezed it and asked again everyone raised their hands, he again squeezed it so hard and asked everyone still raised their hands, wow re exclaimed, he squeezed it again, throw it on the floor and asked again everyone still raised their hands, he then carried the money and said something profound...

Despite what i did to this money, you'all still want it why?,....no matter how battered, rough, squeezed the money is, it's still a hundred dollar, nothing changed about it, ya'all still want it because of its value, so its not about the physical outlook of the money, but its because of the value of these money, the inherent value or purchasing power of these currency, so no matter what i did, its still the same hundred dollar nothing's change, ...same goes to all of us

No matter whatever state that money will be, because of what we have percieved it to be, a hundred dollar, because of these value, we value it, that's to say respect, cherish it, because that's a lot in just one piece of paper.

In another scenerio i watched were a personality arrived a place with lots of convoy trailing him, body guards and protocols surrounding him, and someone got pissed says why will all these people be running after this person, is it not just for a show, i laughed cause a lot of things are oblivious to us, many people do not get it.

Have you ever watched or seen a celebrity arrived a place?, a governnor, president or a highly reputable person arrive any place, the protocol surrounding that person and the entire place is usually uptight do you know why?....its not necessary a show its because of the person, the worth and value of the person, the personality has to be heavily guarded because of the value they posses, because of who they are, they hold so much value in themselves should anything happen to them a lot will definitely go wrong, say for instance a president is assasinated in an event, the entire country will be in chaos and jeopardy and anything can happen at that point, this why, at the end its all about value possessed most times its not about the person per se, but about what he or she represent, the office, the position, the weight of value he or she posses at that moment.

I have seen were an artist was invited to a function and is paid heavily upto millions of dollars, just for a performance that is less than thirty minutes, so in just a few minutes someone Came on stage do some stuffs amd goes home with a bag full of money, thats ten times bigger than someone else's yearly pay cheque.

When i sum all of these different scenarios together i came to a conclusion about life that definitely everything in life response to value.

The world will only celebrate and applaud excellence, outstanding results and achievement, no one goes for just anything, if there's a big artist coming as a guest or hosting an event near you, millions will turn up, do you know why? Because of the greatness synonymous with the artist, the symbol of value, status, fame, so many want to resonate and connect with this personality, that's value, but mind you these people most of them build these status from ground zero up.

We are excited and wonder at such magnitude of honour given to someone but we fail to look back at how they all started, the work, the sacrifices, days of sleepless nights, the pain, the lost, frustration, disappointment, rejection, tears and all that went into who they are now.

There is more to live than what we see, percieve and feel it to be, you've gotta be ready and willing to put in work if you must scale the fence and to become what and who you ever desire to be....