Music in my everyday life.

in Cent6 months ago

Hello everyone. Good afternoon and welcome to my blog. I'll be talking about music today.

It's no news that music plays an important role in people’s lives constantly affecting their mood, thoughts and the ways they communicate. This implies that it can help boost ones mood, reduce stress, and even improve concentration level. For example, lively music may increase motivation and arousal, whereas soothing music may be useful in calming the client or helping him or her to sleep.

It also used in sociable activities where people gather together so as to form bonds and share moments. Music can serve as an effective instrument for human’s individual and social satisfaction during and after work, during hobbies, entertainment and etc.

Today, it was kind of boring for me. Sitting down I just pondered on what to do to take boredom away. And then music came to my mind. I and my friend that was in my room together with me, we just started singing and then I went to my musical player. Before we knew it, it was karaoke time my people😂.

While singing I decided to draw, took out my drawing book and pencil and git busy. I drew musical stave. It was just do inspiring and fun. I know im not perfect at drawing but it made me happy and booom..... boredom was gone.

They are wrong saying that music is just an entertainment, as in fact, it plays a role in different spheres of people’s lives. This explains the role played by music in the day to day human experiences as it has the capacity to boost moods, increase productivity, decrease stress levels, encourage social interactions and even provide order and rhythm in daily activities.

Knowing how and when to use music, we can make it play a positive role towards an individual’s health and towards the various activities that take up our day. Music gives pleasure or helps to concentrate or find companionship; in any case, it continues to be a priceless element of people’s lives.

Best wishes