How do you define Respect 🤔

in Cent6 months ago

Growing up my parents taught me so many things and it's interesting that those training as helped me to grow as an individual.Respect is a word that we use daily and sometimes most people don't really understand what respect means or how the can earn respect.

There are many virtues which a human should possess and these virtues are universally accepted ; honesty, kindness, contentment, love and respect. These virtues are essential if we are to make progress as humans. Over the years I have studied humans in relation to the word 'respect' . This is one word that as brought confusion and friction among humans.

How do we define respect? to me respect simply means treating a fellow human with dignity and love. Respect is looking at a person who is not in the same social class with you and showing the person some level of acceptance. That means you have shown the person respect. Most persons believe that if a person is poor he should be treated like garbage. In our world today we tie respect to money. Only the rich are respected and no matter their wrong doing they are allowed to go without being punished. To me this is not respect it is enhancing evil and killing the moral fabric of the society.

Most of us demand respect but respect is not demanded but earned. The way you address people, carry yourself and behave will determine the level of respect people will give to you. Its just like a leader who is trying to be overly hard on his or her followers, he won't be respected. As a leader you don't try to go hard on everyone but be cordial with them you will see them warm up to you. When your followers see you as one who respects all they will respect you.

Respect must be given for it to be earned. Respect is virtue that is important in our world. Respecting people doesn't have anything to do with age. You want respect from those you are older than? you need to show them respect first and you would see how the would respect you.

Respect is a concept that most people have misunderstood over the years. But it is very simple. The way you carry your self will determine the way people see you. When you give respect to others you will also receive respect.

Thank you for reading 🙏


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