Why do most parents deprive their children from learning their language,of course we can't be making use of a borrowed language all the time.
Most of us don't know how to even pronounce words with our mothers language
When I was young,l lived in an environment where ibibio language was prohibited so I didn't really understand ibibio
Anytime am in the village I try listening to my grandma talk and then I will ask her to teach me which she does,to be able to remember it I also use the little I know to teach my cousin. "Don't speak ibibio to my child again"that was my aunt ranting that's why we may forever be inferior to other ethnic groups in Nigeria.
So I asked my aunt why and out of ignorance her reply was a mess,she said"ibibio is too local,it takes one nowhere" I laughed because I know this local language has put food for so many people on their table.
Well Akwa Ibom is losing their pride, dignity, culture,way of life and traditions because the want to be like others.
What do you think makes the Yorubas, Igbos,hausas more superior to other ethnic groups
Is because the don't let go of their traditions and culture the teach everyone to know about it.
Today,we don't name our children Eno, Asuquo, Affiong, Iquo,Abasieno, emem, Aniefiok okon, idaresit etc we feel it is too local to be called that in public.But we go for names coined from the white people like Maxwell,brownson,magus,govani, Alexander, Stephanie, goodness, Charles etc. Some of us are too ashame of our ibibio names that we make translation of it, like emem to peace, edidiong to blessing,idoreyin to hope,mfon to favour,etietop to goodnews it doesn't feel right,if you even call them this name they get embarrassed.
An hausa, Yoruba or Igbo person can easily be recognized by their names, dress code and language.they are proud of where the come from and who they are,they cherish their language,the value their culture and traditions
But the south south region Akwa ibom to be precise sees their culture local and to indecent to embrace.some even deny where the are from maybe because of what you hear about the place,it's not proper nii.
Well I know am not too good with my language but at least I try they are some that aren't even ready to learn.
Where is that your dignity?? what happen to that your identity as an Akwa ibomite?? some will say am from Akwa ibom,but I wasn't brought up there but as far your parents are from there the make use of it.
Let our parents start seeing this language and culture as what keeps us together they should start inculcating love and passion for the language and culture into the younger generations and those to come that is what will make us who we are amongst other ethnic groups in Nigeria.
One's value can only be easily trampled upon,if one doesn't know it's worth
The better we know who we are and be proud of our personality the better for our children yet unborn
I am a proud ITU BORN and I am proud of it.
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