Good evening everyone, it's good to have everyone of you in this space.Once again you're welcome to my blog .
I want to share my view with you on what I caption a voice that makes a difference.
It's been long I planned on writing an article on this topic.But each time I try , I failed along the way.So I thought as much, that it wasn't the right time, for me to share it with you.
So, I decided to keep it to myself, but I'm glad that the day the lord had designed earlier for me to share my view with you, is finally here, and it's today.
Please don't take this article for granted, because, it would shape your spiritual life, and makes you stand out for a purpose.
Part of this article, would be from my personal encounter with this voice, that each time it whispers, it brings peace to my heart.
I want to begin with a question, and my question goes thus, have you ever heard a voice that sounds so strange to you?
How did you feel the first time it whispered in your ears? I know some people would say they've heard this voice before, but no one would tell me that he or she wasn't afraid the first time he or she heard this voice.
But if you haven't heard this sweet and soft voice before, you must do something about it.
Some people may wonder whose voice I'm taking about, it's no other voice, than Jesus' voice.That sweet, mild and powerful voice.A voice that whisper to the true sons and daughters of the kingdom when ever they're in trouble, or whenever he's in need of their services.
To me, it was a nice experience. I don't know about you.I was fourteen years of age, the first time I had an encounter with this voice.
I don't know how it sounded in your ears, but to me it was a different voice.I wasn't familiar with that voice, and I know you too encountered the same.
But why do this voice keeps whispering in people's hears ? It whispers for a purpose.If you don't hear Jesus' voice for a month, check your spiritual life.And also observe that right from the day ,he ceases to whisper to you, you would encounter difficulties in life.
And no one would be there to direct your path.Yes, It's the truth.That sweet voice, gives direction.It informs you, ahead of time, so that you won't be carried unawares.
But if we no longer hear his voice that means we can die anytime or any day because our spiritual ears, have been blocked by sin.Sin ,is the only thing that can restrain a man from hearing his voice.
If your ears are blocked, you can attest to it that it won't be possible for you to hear.So for us to continue hearing his voice, we need spiritual cleansing.
When I say spiritual cleansing, I don't mean going to all this churches that deceives people by taking them to the river or stream to bath them.
What I meant is using the scriptures to purge yourself from that sin.As you meditate on the word of God, you would discover that, what seemed impossible for a month, could be possible in a day.
The word of God is power, the word of God is life.Anyone who has this word, has eternal life.
As I said earlier, I would be sharing my personal experience about this voice that makes a difference in my life.
When I was fourteen years of age, he spoke to me one blessed morning , while I was fetching firewoods with my siblings.
There was a certain bush I entered, and my siblings were a little bit far from where I stood.So I asked one of my siblings to follow me, but she insisted.
So I decided to enter that bush myself.As I was still going inside the bush, I heard a loud and thunderous voice echoing in the sky.