Parents Should Not Curse Their Children

in Cent3 months ago (edited)

Greetings my beloved family. It's a new day, and I hope all our expectations will come true. You don't need to panic because our redeemer lives, according to the scriptures.

I want to share my experience for the past four months with you on what I caption parents should not curse their children.

It's a sad experience, my lovely people. The way parents curse their children nowadays is becoming so alarming.

What I want to share is something that always makes me shed tears. I thank God for my parents because they're parents indeed.

I can't remember a day, they curse
me nor my brothers and sister. If I do something wrong, they will use Cain and flog me, or they just give me a word of advice.

They always tell me that, as parents, they are not supposed to curse any of their children. And I asked them why they said so. And they said if they curse us as their Children, no matter what we do, we won't succeed, and I said wow!

But it's very true, in case you weren't aware of that.


Now, let me tell you my experience. There was a certain place I stayed. I was living with my brother because I couldn't afford house rent for myself.

So after a while, the landlord told us to move out from that apartment, that he wanted to make good use of the house. So, when our rent expired, I and my brother decided to move out.

It wasn't easy for us. We didn't have money to rent another apartment at that moment, so we had to beg one of our cousins to let us stay with him for a while since we couldn't rent a new apartment, and he agreed.

We stayed there for over a year before my brother was able to receive enough money to rent a new apartment. He succeeded in renting the apartment, and we moved in.

Immediately we moved in, I discovered that everyone was friendly in that compound and I liked such an environment.

As days went by, I started seeing and also hearing what I wasn't supposed to.


The one that annoys me most is how all the parents in that compound were busy, cursing their little children as small as they were.

If they did something wrong, they would never attempt to beat them, but rather they would curse everything that concerns them.

They even went ahead to curse their fathers, who were staying far off.

They don't see it as a sin. To them, it's a normal way of cautioning little children. Even when you try to tell them it's not a good thing, they will be mad at you.

There was a day when those children were playing outside, and I was sitting somewhere watching them. So, as they were playing, one of them stepped on the other's toes.

Before the boy could say sorry, the little girl said to him, God punish you. The way she said it, was the exact way her mother used to say.

What a serious issue! Look at what parents transfer to their children.

Cursing your children would hinder them in so many ways. It would be so hard for them to succeed in life, let alone have money to take proper care of their parents.

You cursing them, means you've killed them already. There's no need for their survival.
You will notice that they would be a great burden to you.

You will be tired of feeding someone at the age of thirty because you believe he or she should have something to do.

I tell you, if you continue to curse them, things will continue to be worse.

In conclusion, I beg our parents and every other person that is reading this post, to please stop cursing your children. They are precious gifts from God.

It's your responsibility to bless them, and by so doing no other man would be able to curse them.

But if you have mistakenly cursed them in any way, please call them and revoke the curse so that your labors will not be in vain.

Thank you for reading till the end.

I remain your favorite girl @joyben.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Those parents that curse their children only show how low their minds can be. It's a hard thing.
Peace in an invaluable tool for all.

Thank you so much for your kind comment

Thank you so much.please can you re logged this post for me?

Hello @joyben
You bring us to the dissertation and collective learning, the situation every day more frequent in our daily lives of toxic parents. Just as we talk about toxic relationships, in our society, there are also parents and / or mothers harmful and harmful to their children, parents which their behaviors, expressions, gestures, and actions, generate considerable dent and damage to their offspring from an early age, with unfortunate sequelae in their emotional and behavioral health, which can be expressive in their manifestations as rebellious, insecure, intolerant children, with low self-esteem and low student performance or, on the contrary, be unnoticed, dominated by fear, resentment and fear in childhood, to explode as an explosive in adulthood.
These maladjusted behaviors in parents can be multi-causal, sequels of childhood traumas, or have been acquired in adulthood. As parents, we are called to be the best for our children and if the convulsive life invades us, seeking friendly and/or specialized help and not contribute to the problem escapes from our hands. Thank you for contributing to the discussion on this topic of thoughtful interest. Health and Wellness !LUV

Hola @joyben
Nos traes a la disertación y aprendizaje colectivo, la situación cada día más frecuente en nuestra vida cotidiana de los padres tóxicos. Así como hablamos de relaciones tóxicas, en nuestra sociedad, también existen padres y/o madres nocivos y dañinos para sus hijos, progenitores en los que sus comportamientos, expresiones, gestos y acciones, generan mella y daño considerable a sus descendencia desde temprana edad, con lamentables secuelas en su salud emocional y conductual, que pueden ser expresivas en sus manifestaciones como hijos rebeldes, inseguros, intolerantes, con baja autoestima y bajo rendimiento escolar o, por el contrario, pasar desapercibidos, dominados por el miedo, el resentimiento y el temor en la infancia, para estallar como un explosivo en la edad adulta.
Estos comportamientos inadaptados en los padres pueden ser multicausales, secuelas de traumas infantiles o haber sido adquiridos en la edad adulta. Como padres estamos llamados a ser lo mejor para nuestros hijos y si la vida convulsa nos invade, buscar ayuda amiga y/o especializada y no contribuir a que el problema se nos escape de las manos. Gracias por contribuir al debate sobre este tema de interés reflexivo. Salud y Bienestar.