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RE: Staked 680 $ALIVE & 18K $PEPE | Weekly LeadsLeap Coop Earning Report | Fri, November 08, 2024 | Free Health Assessment Tool!

in Cent3 months ago

I will sign up with you link now my friend. Please kindly help me with the step2 whenever you are convenience.


Do you have any idea about the traffic sites? Do you have time to surf in the traffic exchange sites?

Do you have any idea about the traffic sites?

not that much.

Do you have time to surf in the traffic exchange sites?

I think I can spend some times to do that, maybe during my time online.

Okay. Got your Leadsleap (LL) coop link? Share that link through different methods like traffic exchange (TE) sites and mailer.

I have got 4 best TE so far. Trafficg, easyhit4u, infinitytrafficboost and hungryforhits. Join them and starts sending traffic to the coop link.

Let me know the update 😄

so I just send the link of the coop link there in the TE sites? or should I do some click work on those sites?
at the moment I just try the daily bonus

You have to surf some sites on the TE sites. Then add your LL coop to those TE sites and assign credits to the coop link.

Let me know if you needs more instructions