Traditional Iftari of Chawkbazar

in Cent3 years ago

The traditional iftar market of old Dhaka in the capital. A variety of dishes including whole chicken kebab, rooster musallam, heavy kebab of shik, cotton kebab are available in this market. The market is bustling during Ramadan. However, due to Corona, the last two years have not been like this. Vendors are expecting more sales this year as the situation in Corona has improved.

Vendors set up stalls selling Bahari Iftar items at various roads and shops in Old Dhaka.

Ghugani of cooked gram and kabli gram.

Ready milk. Now waiting for the sale.


Crowds of buyers to buy whole chicken kebabs.


Iftar without dates should remain incomplete.

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I'm @monowar . I'm from Bangladesh. I do online works besides study. Follow me @monowar


Very big arrangement of iftar Mashallah.

I hope to eat that someday... (Coming from Nigeria 🇳🇬)
What is the food made of?@monowar this is a brilliant shot.