Entitlement mentality and unreadiness to put effort to work: A Reality that Needs to be Checked.

in Centlast month


The last set of people I introduced to Hive has given me headaches such that it seems the good thing I did is turning around to be bad. It was issues like this that made me never talk to people about hive because it seems a lot of people are everywhere looking for free money, especially people from my environment.

Last week I talked to a friend about Hive and she told me she has never heard about it though she will have to ask his friends and brothers who are into tech and online stuff. After some days, she reached out to me that they weren't aware of such a platform. She was like, how come this platform is not known by so many people? I told her that it's not their fault that they don't know but what is pertinent is that hive has been around for years.

Initially, whenever I talked to people about Hive, I would tell them that it's a platform where you can make lots of money if you know what to do. I realized that many people who signed up for Hive never stayed after a month, especially if what I told them hadn't happened within that period. So I decided to change my method to tell every potential hive user that hive is a place where you earn as you work. And if you're not ready to put in your ideas and support the system then hive is not for you. Using this pattern, I realized that lots of people are discouraged, and I am happy because I will have peace of mind rather than people disturbing me all the time that they have done a certain number of posts yet no votes. Many people think that hive is a place where money is spread and scattered on the street and all you need to do is walk on the street and begin to pack them. This is a very wrong mentality.

Many people do not want to work yet they want to eat, things are not done that way. I remember a guy who came to me for a referral. He needed more explanation on how the hive platform works, I told him everything he said that he's interested in. “Okay that's fine” I said, “what you have to do before I sign you up is to write an introduction post of not less than 500 words” I gave him some tips on how to go about it and I had to send him some samples. Till today, the guy hasn't done it. This is the same person who would have been on my neck, telling me how unprofitable the platform is.


Another issue apart from putting effort into hive is the fact that a lot of people have an entitlement mentality, especially the newbies. They easily become angry because their posts are not curated hence they see it as a right that so long as they have signed up on hive, then all of their posts must be curated. Unfortunately, these are the set of people that will contribute less or nothing to the platform yet they want all of their work to gather lots of support.

Having an entitlement mentality yet little input does not work on the hive blockchain. Also, having a mindset of coming to hive to make money will not work because you will be disappointed at the end of the day. This is a hard truth that newbies need to face.

Another aspect is that many do not want to sit up and learn. Learning takes time, hive is a big platform that one needs to sit down and learn how things are done. Different communities have their rules, yet many newbies do not care to read these rules, all they do is drop a post there and then expect support and curation.

What is inleo?

INLEO is a blockchain-based social media platform for Crypto & Finance content creators. Our tokenized appallows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

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When it comes to making money, whether online or offline, patience is a virtue we must all embrace

I am thinking that perhaps Hive's unique qualities are too good to be true for many who have been trained all their lives to work for money.