"NGABUBURIT" A Local Wisdom

in Cent7 days ago (edited)

Hello all friends, how are you? Hopefully we are all in good health. Oh yes, let me congratulate all my Muslim friends on fasting, I hope that the fasting we do will always get the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala.

In this post I want to share with all my friends about a term that has become a culture and only occurs during the month of Ramadan. This term is called NGABUBURIT. The word NGABUBURIT comes from Sundanese with the origin of the word "burit" which means evening or evening before Maghrib time. Well, NGABUBURIT has now become one of the local wisdoms of the people of West Java, Indonesia, which is predominantly Muslim. NGABUBURIT means hanging around ngadagoan burit or walking around waiting for the afternoon to arrive (the time to break the fast arrives).

Every day during the month of Ramadan in the afternoon the streets become busier with motorized vehicles and people passing by before Maghrib time, which is the time to break the fast. Certain places become crowded with people just waiting for Maghrib time, which is the time to break the fast.

This time I accompanied my child NGABUBURIT on a road in the Cibinong area (Cibinong playover). My child wants to see the conditions around this area, especially seeing the trains passing from the highway.

The atmosphere here is also quite busy with people waiting to break their fast by doing the same thing, namely NGABUBURIT.

Thank you to all friends who have stopped by to read my post this time, I hope this information adds to our insight into local wisdom traditions that exist throughout the world.