I kinda said why in the blog though. It's a boost from the shorts section of YouTube when YouTube first launched shorts. However here's the trick.
On YouTube there's quite a lot of people posting so getting attention ain't easy. You can start by uploading quality posts and then use the remix button to create shorts based on your videos. As the shorts gets attention so will your videos
You can start by uploading quality posts and then use the remix button to create shorts based on your videos. As the shorts gets attention so will your videos
I kinda said why in the blog though. It's a boost from the shorts section of YouTube when YouTube first launched shorts. However here's the trick.
On YouTube there's quite a lot of people posting so getting attention ain't easy. You can start by uploading quality posts and then use the remix button to create shorts based on your videos. As the shorts gets attention so will your videos
Wow TheRingMaster you are a real remixer haha.
😂😂😂 good one big brother, good one