Visiting the Campus where I Have Studied

in Cent2 years ago

Well, on this occasion I would like to share some photo shoots where my best friend and I were in one of the largest Islamic campuses in the city of Lhokseumawe and entered an influential campus in the province of Aceh.

The campus I mean here is the campus where I used to study here for four and a half years, this campus is very strategically located directly opposite the highway, namely Jalan Medan Banda Aceh, while the west side of the campus is connected to the city of lhokseumawe which is directly connected to North Aceh area to Krung Mane.

This campus is called the Lhokseumawe State Islamic Institute or in other words, the civilization campus.
For students on this campus from various regencies and cities in the province of Aceh, not even a few also come from other provinces in Aceh.


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