Why The Downvotes πŸ™πŸ’” I've Been Loyal for months following the rules what rule have I broken please let me Know- Hivewatchers and Spaminator

in Cent β€’ 4 months ago (edited)


I hope for @adm to stop the downvotes, it's very discouraging and might be difficult to continue contributing to Hive this way.

Please let me know what I've done wrong at least I'm getting so confused looking for a reason why or any law I broke or something I over looked that'll cause massive downvotes.

The ADM Account said on this profile that I should talk to @hivewatchers or @spaminator and so please respond to my blog. Why am I getting downvoted by Adm please let me know.

If it the downvotes have to continue with no notice of why I may not be able to continue on Hive and I really love this platform, been hoping to celebrate a year here, haven't gotten there yet but this is sad for me.

My first downvotes was from bilpcoin and that was because I was caught in some sort of cross fire.

I tried to avoid trouble. My work life has made it difficult for me to even engage as I used to so I try to contribute fan blogs everyday. Now I'm getting downvotes and just tell me why.

When my friends see downvotes, they might think there's something awkward I'm doing or over picked a fight with someone.

Why am I getting attacked.

@spaminator @adm @hivewatchers @anadolu @cent @leofinance @inleo @ecency

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Creating a new account does not circumvent the blacklist.

Please just tell me what the problem is.. because I read about you guys, I know about avoid Plagiarism and AI content I write myself and I've been loyal to the platform for so long. Why am I getting attacked by you guys I just want to know wht

You were blacklisted in April for creating a farming ring (AI spam, etc).


Waaat April was when I joined this platform, and what does a farming ring even mean man.... You have me even more confused right now.

All that hard work and another cross fire just like bilpcoin did to me before I resolved it.

I literally found this platform some months ago and trying my best to be a long standing member here

April was when you created this account after you were told about your multi-account ring in our Discord.

You created this account the same day.

Wait so because I created the account the same day these people you're attacking created is why😳😳😳 πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” all that time of work is now going to be wasted because you're connecting me with someone else 😳

But if you keep doing things this way you'll drive more people off the platform because then anyone who created an account on a day you caught someone for bad behavior is going to suffer

I don't understand this statement please explain to me I'm very confused here

I've not said I wanted to create a new account I just want to know what my fault is so I can change I'm confused