Which Team are you rooting for in the 2023/24 English Premier League

in Centlast year


The English Premier League (EPL) is one of the top football leagues in the world at the moment and has gained a lot of viewership across the world.

The English Premier League is the highest level of the English football league system. Twenty (20) clubs contest for the Cup and it operates on a system of promotion and relegation with the English Football League. EPL seasons typically run from August to May, with each participating team playing 38 matches against all other teams, both home and away.

Manchester City clinched last season's title with their epic performance and are already on top of the EPL table after Four matches. Manchester City are 2 points ahead of their closest rivals, Tothenham, Liverpool, WestHam and Arsenal.

We are at the very early days of the league with 32 matches more for each team. We cannot be sure how the tables would be after 10 more matches.

We all have our preferences and that's fine. As such, which Team are you rooting for in the 2023/24 English Premier League title battle?

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manchester city are still the favorite though i'm a manchester united fan and i also think totenham will perform well this season

It is always Arsenal for me. : )