My branding proposal for the Toys on Hive community

in Toys on Hive4 years ago

Based on dynamic colors, cheerful typographies with different weights and variables I have designed a complete identity proposal for the Toys on Hive community. The idea consists of applying a coherent and functional graphic identity with characteristic elements easily recognizable and with great visual impact.

Logotype proposal

toy on hive sep-07.png

I designed two different headers where the name of the community stands out in a different way. In addition to this I designed an avatar proposal with the logo concept.

Header proposals

toy banner logo peq-22-11.png

top 2-12.png

This is an application example

top mockup-13.png

I designed a package of assorted dividers to add versatility and dynamism to the graphic identity of the project.

Divider pack proposal (6 dividers)

toy on hive sep-01.png

toy on hive sep-02.png

toy on hive sep-03.png

toy on hive sep-04.png

toy on hive sep-05.png

toy on hive sep-06.png

I have also designed three banner proposals, the difference lies in the insertion of the Hive blockchain logo and the proportions of the fonts.

Banner proposals

toy on hive sep-08.png

toy on hive sep-09.png

toy on hive sep-10.png

Process screenshots

toy on hive-15.png

toy on hive-17.png

toy on hive-16.png

toy on hive-14.png

toy on hive-18.png

All designs were made using Adobe Illustrator so all artwork can be scaled to the wanted size without losing image quality.

If you want to hire my services as a graphic designer leave me a comment or a message on Discord.

Take a look of my work here


for you

@eii, sorry!

You can call the PIZZA bot a maximum of 10 times per day.

BEERHey @camiloferrua, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

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I like the logo, it looks great.

Hey! thank you very much!! I really appreciate you took the time to look at my post and leave me this comment.

You're welcome (^_^)

Me gusto mucho tu diseño.. los colores y las letras me llamó mucho la atención. Yo también estoy participando así que en realidad somos rivales 😀🤝

Jajajaja no somos rivales, somos compañeros 😛 gracias por tu comentario, qué fino que te gustó y me dejaste tu comentario, realmente es bueno ver que a la gente le gusta mi trabajo

Camilo felicitaciones te quedo excelente, los colores y la cantidad de trabajo que te debió llevar se hace notar, las divisiones también quedaron genial! Buen trabajo y suerte en el concurso

Gracias brother... qué fino que te gustó y sí, ojalá que me vaya bien 🤓