Building Some Halo Vehicles

in Toys on Hive3 days ago

I had a few hours today and was able to get a few things built from the bundle of Halo Mega Bloks I picked up a few weeks ago.

This Brute prowler was in a few pieces when I started, but within a short space of time I was able to get it back to normal.

The process is so much harder when pieces are already together because then I have to scan it carefully to make sure every piece is present.

Here it is after a bit more assembling.

It kind of looks likes I've just taken complete pieces and just put them together, but there are many small pieces that need to be added to each large portion, before connecting them.

Only a short time later, I had it fully assembled and complete.

I've always liked the Prowlers, and find them great. They're essentially troop transports for the Covenant forces, similar to the Warthogs in that regard.

I got to work on this, which is a fairly large set.

Again, some pieces were assembled, but I had to work them out.

With the wings, and the tale on it, it started to really take shape.

These Wasps are fairly interesting vehicles, and this set itself is from around 2010.

With the tale fins, guns, cockpit, and the smaller pieces assembled it looks really cool.

This sets definitely don't seem half as intricate as some of the modern sets I've worked on.

I had all of these pieces lying around, but couldn't really make sense of them, while building this set it became clear that it is a turret.

The Wasp comes with a turret, and even a Banshee, so while the vehicles are overly large, the set is fairly large based primarily on the vehicles in it.

Here they are, bot constructed.

I have all of the people and weapons in a separate bag, and the next stage will be completing each set with the figures they're supposed to come with.


Que juego tan entretenido, cuando pequeño tuve algo parecido le llamaban lego