[Esp/Eng] El primer juguete //The first toy.

in Toys on Hive2 years ago
Authored by @Mino1

Hola amigos de la colmena, saludos a todos y gracias por dejarme ser parte de esta maravillosa familia, hoy les quiero hablar del primer juguete de Anna.

Hello friends of the hive, greetings to all and thanks for letting me be part of this wonderful family, today I want to talk about Anna's first toy.


A los ocho meses Anna ya está aprendiendo a sentarse sola, y para entretenerla mientras su madre hace las tareas de la casa, le está enseñando a jugar sola.

At eight months Anna is already learning to sit up on her own, and to entertain her while her mother does the housework, she is teaching her to play by herself.


La sienta en el suelo, una vez allí coloca su juguete para que le preste atención y empieza a jugar sola.

She sits her on the floor, once there she places her toy so that she pays attention and she begins to play by herself.


Con una sonrisa angelical se comporta de la mejor manera cuando le arrebata el juguete a su madre, comienza a mirarlo con curiosidad pues parece que ya sabe usarlo.

With an angelic smile she behaves in the best way when she snatches the toy from her mother, she begins to look at it curiously because it seems that she already knows how to use it.


Anna a los ocho meses está demostrando que es una niña muy lista e inteligente, usa su juguete que parece que ya ha usado en otra ocasión y busca jugar con su mamá.

Anna at eight months is showing that she is a very smart and intelligent girl, she uses her toy that she seems to have used on another occasion and seeks to play with her mother.


Su padre ya está ahorrando para comprarle otros juguetes. A medida que crece, le enseñan a jugar con otros juguetes para que no se estrese con ella y quiera dejar de jugar y ponerse a llorar como ha hecho en otras ocasiones.

Her father is already saving to buy her other toys. As she gets older, they teach her to play with other toys so she doesn't get stressed out with her and want to stop playing and cry like she has done on other occasions.


Una vez que ya no quiere jugar, se da la vuelta y se va a otro lado.

Once she doesn't want to play anymore, she turns around and goes somewhere else.


Con esto me despido gracias por leer, hasta el proximo contenido,
las fotos fueron tomadas por mi teléfono inteligente Samsung Galaxy A10.

With this I say goodbye thanks for reading, until the next content,
the photos were taken by my Samsung Galaxy A10 smartphone.