Hi all,
It's the theessexfunko here and it feels good to be back after a lengthy long hiatus.
During my hiatus I decided to look into Funko's with a possible of profits in the future.
So without a moment here is the first one of the day
2x 2020 Cyborg Superman
This was the first time that I bought this item twice from a good trustable source called
SOURCE: popinabox.co.uk
As I payed only £11.99 each, but the reasons why I did that because of its value in the current market and also not mentioning that it is a limited edition
(well when I say a limited edition, It is a shared sticker, quiz me I get this wrong).
As I looked at the current market place on the funko app it stands at £57 each, so if we do the math so
Buy: £11.99 x 2= £25 (Rough Idea)
Value £57 x 2= £114
Total = £89 Profit Currently
From by looking at these designs from different angles, it really does reminds me from the Terminator movie.
Is it profitable to buy I would say yes, but it does depends upon where you can get from a very strong reputable source.
Also I started to give myself a challenge which is, is it profitable to buy and hodl and sell in the future for high returns?
If you can help me with this question, It would be very helpful in my quest.
I hope that you have a good day and I will catch you all later.