Hey 3Speakers,
Well you can find me on HIVE/ Ecency.I guess this is my #introduction on 3speak. First post on 3speak.
So this video, is me performing my poem I had entered in a conservation poem competition but it got rejected.
But hey I had some jungle footage on my phone so I thought let me make content with , combining those two and adding my voice. The language is in Sranantongo, common language in Suriname.
Here the transcript:
Bigi bong
Bigi bong na ini a busi
Bigi bong e fadong... e meke ba bari
A busi e firi
Ptyien aleng e fadong...
ala watra kong
Kong makandra
A busi e driengie
Man pikin na leke ala deng tra bong
Ala deng bong abi deng roetoe
ala den busi
Ala deng bong fasi fu gro
Man pikin e kong
Man pikin e gwe
A busi e tang gro
Busi na manpikin wroko foe sorgoe
Busi abi eng sorgoe anga nowtoe
Manpikin na eng didibri
Broko busi
Ma busi na wi
Wi na busi
▶️ 3Speak
Sranan busi
Te we kot eng
Moro lek toe oem prani
noso wo ka te oeng grani
Na so Tru tru