AskHive: Which are your favorite youtube channels and why?

in Ask the Hive5 years ago

I've been meaning to broaden my horizons and look for some new good youtube channels to binge so figured I'd check if you guys have any good recommendations.

Some of my favorite ones I've really enjoyed lately are:

Casually Explained

The video from his main page:

Casually Explained explains a lot of things about everything and anything and has a really fun sense of humor about it which he adds a bit into each video. I've been following this channel for years and it also helps that he's a very active Redditor which I guess explains some of his sense of humor. :P Can really recommend taking a look at some of his most popular videos in case you've never heard of him before.


Exurb1a is a smaller youtuber (in subscriber amount) that I really enjoy. There's gotta be some humor in these videos for me to stay interested and he uses it really well in his videos which are mainly about science and philosophy. He also has some great philisophical stories he has created himself and even has a few books out although I've never gotten around to buy them yet. Check out the video from his main page which gives you an example into what his videos are like, I'm sure you'll enjoy it:

What are your favorite channels and why?


cracks knuckles Most of the channels I watch are of the comedy genre and have mentioned in a post before so yeah. Hopefully at least one of them is to your liking

Danny Gonzalez, Drew Gooden, Jarvis Johnson, Kurtis Conner

  • Funny commentary channels each with their own style of humour! You know those quick crafting channels? They'd try those out sometimes and the results are hilarious(search Troom Troom on Danny or Jarvis' channel for some of them) Danny makes funny and catchy songs too

Tomska, Jack And Dean, Chris And Jack

  • They make funny skits! Jack and Dean also have a lil' webseries called: Jack And Dean Of All Trades

Nico Animation

  • Has a lil' animated webseries called "Ollie & Scoops" which is about a kid and cat friend duo! I don't know why but it gives an early 2000s(?) cartoon vibe and has great quality animation

Berd, Zalinki

  • Makes short funny animations! Berd's vids are very very short but entertaining nonetheless(at least to me)


  • Reads stories normally of the spooky genre by various authors! I recommend: Tales from The Gas Station. First Volume/season alone is about is about 8 hours long. The second volume is for some reason privated but he replied with a shhh emoji when someone asks about that so he's probably working on something? The third volume recently came out too! Hopefully his reading for that comes out soon-ish


  • This one's a music one! He makes acapella covers and would accompany them with his own iteration of the original music video he's covering

Okay I think that's enough for now kfjdkdfsg

Tom Scott is pretty great. Get to learn something new from someone who knows how to explain things very well. Plus his gameshow series are always very funny.

Ehh, he's ait. Kind of a turn off the way he behaved towards Brave on Twitter back in the day.

Wait, what happened there?

IIRC since he hadn't signed up for it he warned people not to "tip him Brave" cause they'd just go back into the pool instead of him claiming them. Basically saying "you're not tipping me, I'm not getting the tips" when the tips to begin with were free airdrops from Brave. Anyway just seemed like instead of taking the time to check how it works exactly he tried to smear Brave for no apparent reason.

Brave did change (for the better) due to his criticism and suggestions. Their new "unverified" notice is more honest.

Looks like he made up for his initial unresearched "complaints".

Thats better, from the screenshots of the tweets he's deleted, it looks like everyone got what they wanted in the end.

TheSpiffingBrit! His game exploits are hilarious

Oooo a new channel I shall now subscribe too!

Gaming: Lately I've been liking Crayator because he freaks the fuck out and yells at me haha, he's toning things down a bit lately tho... 😭 got some nodules in his throat from screaming all day.

For music a go to channel for me is NPR Music I love the Tiny Desk concerts, very eclectic in their choice of bands, something new all the time that I've never heard before, and they get a really excellent sound in their little library studio.

I watch Philip DeFranco for a bit of news. I like some of the PewDiePie videos. Mainly his videos about memes, but lately they have sucked and there is too much Minecraft stuff. If you want some good video game videos watch, make sure you check out videogamedunkey.

Nelk, Cassady Campbell, and Danny Mullen.

These 3 channels are all freaking hilarious and high quality. I especially like that they are pushing the boundaries of social acceptance.

Brian Kibler and Kripprian because they are quality entertainers.

Big Hearthstone fan?

Casual player who likes to watch the pros.

I enjoyed Kripp mostly during the WoW and D2 days, maybe I'll start watching him again if he moves onto Gods Unchained. ;)

Maybe Gods Unchained need to pay him for a few promotional episodes.

I'm sure they'll get around to it, last time they paid some streamers to play it it got a lot of hype. Looking forward to season 1 launch and hopefully another raffle ticket system again along with actual marketing.

GU needs some UX refinement. Playing the game sucks because so much of the actions aren't intuitive at all.

Kripparian is really funny:)

Especially the parody accounts in the comment section.

Cinemassacre - video game and movie reviews
Isaac Arthur - space and futurology
The King of DIY - fishkeeping DIY stuff

Forgotten Weapons. Guy named Ian goes into meticulous detail about mostly obscure guns he finds at various places. Mostly auction houses but he's also been invited into the non-public armories of nations and armorers. He's a total gun and history geek.

Gus Johnson makes some really funny videos sometimes.

Dunkey makes some really funny video game videos, and when he's reviewing something semi-seriously he's very honest.

SavageGeese is a good car reviewer, pretty thorough and covers some bases that almost nobody else does. Very honest about his opinion which is not common in the car journalism field.

Harry's Garage is a car channel run by a guy who founded Evo magazine. He's like a kid that grew old but never grew up. Awesome enthusiasm for fun cars. He also introduced the mechanic working on his classic Lamborghini Espada to producing YouTube videos, Tyrell's Classic Workshop.

Historia Civilis is an acquired taste but he puts together episodes in history in an entertaining way, illustrated in a simple and often silly style.

He mainly plays sports games, but also telltale games like The Walking Dead. I like him because he has good humor and his raging moments are the best! :D

Electroboom - Very interesting and amusing take on electronic and science topics.
Wintergarten - Marble machine MMX is a project I closely follow.
LetsGameItOut - I absolutely love the way he tortures games by doing everything a normal person wouldn't.
Cody's Lab - Another interesting Science/Experiment channel
TerminalMontage - Really funny animations about games!
Slowmo guys - Slowmo nuff said!
vinesauce - Corruption vids are hilarious
Nick Zammeti - Awesome and interesting woodworking channel.
post 10 - Something about a guy going around clearing drains just makes you want to watch for hours.

Pierre T. Lambert
Marcos Alberca
North Borders
Daniel Schiffer

All of them talk about photography or videos, I have learned a lot watching they're videos on YouTube, and everytime I can, I try to make the same, is my way to learn photography without expend hours going to the school.

This channel is from a Hive friend that is absolutely awesome when it comes to mental advice and related topics. Cheers champ! Keep up the good fight.

I ll check the channels you recommended Acidyo, i am turning into youtube junky lately,lol.

One of my favourites is Nerdwriter1. Great reviews, diverse and interesing themes, comic books, movies, politics, art. I like the overall production of every clip and his style of narration

Another one is Quinn's Ideas. Mostly GoT stuff but also a lot of clips about the Dune books and Lovecraft books. Great production, style and music.

Last but not least and because i was a huge Warhammer 40k fan, is Luetin09. A true savant of Warhammer,lol. Great voice, great visuals and 1 hour satisfying clips full of obscure knowledge.

have fun:)

Viva la dirt league. Just check their epic NPC man series and you will get hooked!

all i watch in youtube are actually art videos, for timelapse art videos, i love love love "wlop" channel..... that guy/girl is like a god/goddess to me.
For tips and learning i watch 'angel ganev' and 'ericanthonyj'.... angel ganev is kinda rude but in a way that helps....

There are many channels for those wanting to learn code development, but there is one of them which just stands out of the mass, it is from Corey Schafer. Mainly focussed in Python language, their tutorials are amazing.
Also, not so technical but amazingly edited and produced is 3Blue1Brown from Grant Sanderson, all about math concepts.

Altcoin daily is really good. I’ve tried to get them to post here. No luck yet.

I'll try to look it through. 👍

Не пожелеете!!!

At current time:
JustDjango & Oleg Molchanov coz I try to refresh my python/django skills;
Almazan kitchen for his creartive cooking;
Animal jazz band and Океан Эльзи for their music!

Luisito Comunica es un youtuber viajero con un carisma increíble, te lleva a conocer varias culturas y a conocer lugares increíbles.

Locales son varios pero es más de entretenimiento local.

I'm also a big fan of casually explained and exurb1a. my picks would be:

  • CGP Grey - for his intricateley researched fact videos
  • economics explained - clues in the name but makes a very boring subject and somehow produces extremely interesting video essays explaining the successes and failures of various economies and situations.
  • crypto daily - cmonnn
  • Thoughty2 - more well researched fact videos with a charismatic presenter
  • John Michael Godier - fact based speculation on space based science and extra terrestrial life. Also has a brilliantly soft speaking voice, great if you're trying to get to sleep.

One of mine is laowhy86. He is American but his wife is Chinese. He lived in China for several years and understands and speaks Chinese. He gives inside information on coronavirus situation based on what is available on the Chinese internet and covers other current news.
Historically his channel has given a good insight into life in China.

I love casually explained too. He is so clever. That video "is she into you?" is great!

Love Casually Explained 🤣

But I have may favorite channels on Youtube, depending on niche and what type of mood I'm in.

If you wanna check some political videos, I like VisualPolitik and CaspianReport.
If you are more in the mood for great editing and football training tips, you should check out Become Elite with Matt Sheldon.