What do your @peakd views look like?

in Ask the Hive15 days ago

Since a new month has started, it makes it easy to check your viewcounter for the previous month. I've been a bit more active lately with posting but I know many of you have kept it up for longer, so figured it'd be nice to check how you all do with peakd views.

It's important to note that our ecosystem is accessible through many front-ends, if you yourself for instance don't use peakd the total views may be lower compared to mine since I assume it counts them when going back to a post to respond to comments, etc. So don't shy away to show your view count if it doesn't look that good, especially if peakd isn't your preferred front-end.

It is however one of the only ones currently making use of the viewcounter and I wish more of them would include it and maybe collaborate with each other to give us a total view count number. While these may be easy to fake and shouldn't be taken as a way to blindly reward posts based on views alone, it'd be a nice addition to have along with POSH potentially validating that certain posts with a lot of views did get shared somewhere.

Anyway, here's my peakd viewcount on posts from the previous month:


You can find your page by clicking on Dashboard in your profile and then "Views and Visitors" and then the "top pages (previous month) tab:


Sending 20% of post rewards to @commentrewarder to incentivize more sharing in the comments! 😊


Are you kidding me, what a hells going on here.


A lot of people have been seeing my old post, mmmmmm it give me great information to what kind of content I will need to do in the future.

I am really really happiness to see it, I am doing something important because it give me the opportunity to share the ancestry knowledge.
I need to try to improve my skill in medicine traditional topics with scientific names included.

Thanks for give me this lovely surprise,

Do not forget, the best part for a blogger is when your words have been reading by others, this meaning you have been doing good thing.


Awesome! Could be it has been shared somewhere outside of Hive. We really wanna step things up with POSH to reward such activities as long as we can determine they're real!

guau this is great to me, thanks for come and for this kind of iniciatives that give the oportunity to continued with our great work.
Best regard.

Oh, i had missed that note at the end, so guess views from brave browser aren't recorded either. That's a bummer cause I know many use it!

maybe but i am seeing from brave to peakd, we hope this give us a big quantity unvaluable information for our growing here in hive.

Word Up, man i want a way to make old post again and do them good, with out the recycling post word on it. Some of mine talk a lot about myself and deserve a better look. Just saying.

Meanwhile drink a !BEER and spread !LOVE !LOL

Asi es Mano, hay mucho que hacer por aqui y nada como venir y convertirse en un blogger

This is a really nice feature, and I totally agree with you that it would be nice if the ecency and inleo front ends also provided this information because it would be very helpful in understanding how and where to improve to increase the audience.


My post that has had the most unique visitors is the post about Holozing :)
@tipu curate

i would say this is maybe half of the views as the posts were mostly about HiveFest and a lot of people use other front ends. and if i remember correctly Brave browser is blocking tracking so - brave users :)

It is probably above average for me this month. Really depends on "for who the content posted is meant for" for my views.


Looks like my Photos from the Hivefest in Split, Croatia were the most viewed ones last days :) love to see that many people has looked into them.


First time i see an average time so high in my stats, so i am proud of that. I would love your thoughts on that post by the way and i hope someday we can know the views we made from all frontends.

Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 9.11.04 PM.png

I don't have a lot of views, but this can definitely help in finding out what content people like. I can maybe try posting other types and see how they perform. Thanks for sharing this.


Most pages are around 10-20 views, some a bit more, some a bit less.
#macro and #streetphoto photography generated the most success, #music was of less intrest.
A good and surprising thing was - to see there some of my old posts not from previous month, they still attract some attention, i.e. they were more than a farming ephemera. I like it.
Also - not bad timing. A lot of visitors spend more than a minute watching /reading.

Cheers! ☘️

I've found this page again when I was checking out the features of the new PeakD release.
It can really be very useful information. And it's nice to see how many unique visitors your posts get and if people are really reading it.

Mine looks like this:


I do wonder how the list is sorted. It's not sorted on one of the columns.

looks like based on the unique views column

I should be heading to bed, I totally missed that 😂

mine looks like this 😅, @peakd is one of the best interfaces of the hive. I use it more often. Mine looks like this.


there have been a lot of changes recently that look cool, thanks @peakd team for your great work.


I love the analytics that PeakD has, I used them a lot when I was doing my initial run of Vampire Survivors tutorial posts paired with YT vids. I haven't done any of those in ages, but they still get some decent hits surprisingly! Nothing like your counts here, and the bounce is quite high so it could be mostly bots... but for something a year and a half old... I'm constantly impressed that they're always up there.


Nice one!

It's still small viewers :D

Not bad actually!

I din't see how many people watch the post:

But the IA on peakD its fking awesome, noone would talk to me like that (the critical analysis) its like "Hey man u doing this wrong!" I just discover that hahaha.

I observed that my posts that reached the trending page are the ones that are getting the most PeakD views... I guess I have very little follower count and many of them are either inactive or they auto-voted me lol. At least, I can tell that the Trending page works 😅

To coordinate the views from all frontends may show a more accurate view counts, probably in my case because I mostly using Ecency and the ones that I interact often were also using Ecency.

Why do I have a feeling that you will also fix this issue? 😅

This one may be out of my control. ^^

No worries 🫡🙌


I don't have many views, competing with things like HiveVote while a small percentage on Hive actually read something you write is difficult to do. I still don't have the right space to share some of the things I'm working on that involve game development, handling the Godot / JS Phaser tool and other related things. I heard that the Programming & Dev community is currently down, could I get some recommendations on where to post this?

I wouldn't say it's down, guess no active curation happening there which shows why programs like the incubation we host are important. I see it's something about a hive game? Hmm, I'd suggest maybe using the promotion features on @peakd if you are new to get it some outside attention, other than that just engaging and trying to drive people to your project who may be interested in it could work.

I haven't posted in ages, but very surprised to see people still happen onto my posts from time to time.


And ohhhh . . . I really should get back to posting, but I'm so burned out from writing blogs at the moment, I hope I can find the strenght in myself soon to continue

Post more! :D

Greetings @acidyo ,

Thank you for letting us know how to go about finding view counts in the settings...I shall give it a go....I like the idea of trying to get views from other social sites which you mentioned in another post.

Kind Regards,



This is what Bleujay's looks like.....

Thank you....


Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

Thank you @isnochys ,

Your service as a witness is appreciated. ^__^

Kind Regards, Bleujay

is it, though? enticing people to vote for his witness with a comment bot that automatically gives you an unrelated token when the user himself probably hasn't been around for ages? How can you tell he's going to be around for when the next hardfork arrives if he hasn't posted in almost a year and potentially not even left a real comment either?

I always get confused by how people think this is generally acceptable behavior and on top of it welcome it. No offense.

Apologies @acidyo ,

Thank you for letting me know....I will look into it.

Kind Regards, Bleujay

no worries, i didn't mean to come off harsh or to single you out, just a bit tired of that kind of bot activity in general, especially if they've connected it to their witness position. It's like this user is earning hive for running a witness and for leaving bot comments everywhere and people are just okay with it.

You make a valid point and I am really quite sorry to hear it.

The funny thing is...the bot does show up at times that a beer would hit the spot and it is quite a laugh....or it is a celebration of some sort...that sort of thing.

Anyways smiles aside...bleujay will give his witness a look.

Kind Regards, Bleujay

Hey @bleujay, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Looking good!

Is it? I believe. ^__^

Love these little snippets of info, didn't even know this existed LOL

I can't find it under analytics. I tried desktop mode as well.

Such a useful feature. When I started here i asked some friends but none of them knew this feature existed in Peakd lol.

Could be that using brave it won't let you access it at all.

I'm using Firefox though.

hmm yea dunno then 😅

Thanks to this publication I was able to find a lot of information regarding the growth and interaction of my account with the Hive ecosystem.

I had no Idea that such feature even existed.

It seems that my most popular post was splinterlands battle post. I stopped doing them because doing a template posts became boring. I prefer doing let's plays and art posts. Even if they are not as popular.

I use InLeo frontend more so my count on peakd view won't be good but it's good to check out. There should be a sync across all frontends.

Well it depends on where the people consuming your content are viewing it, not which front-end you use yourself but yeah.

That's nice to have. Too bad we don't have an aggregate views dashboard across all/major front ends on Hive.

exactly, that'd be really nice.

I'm more used to Ecency. Does it mean I won't have views displayed? Why can't the other frontends add the views counter?

Only peakd and inleo have view counters for now I believe.

So far I have not used @peakd but I will have to take advantage of all the tools that #Hive provides us and thus be able to start having views of my work

It would seem there are a lot of pieces in PeakD that I never really knew about. I'll have to dig into it more.

They got tons of stuff many may not know about and are often quick to release new things such as @commentrewarder updates/integration

Very cool!

Wow is it a new feature? Didn't know such a feature was there. I don't use peakD as I did before but I'll check out the feature.

What's the difference between page views and unique views though?

it's been there for maybe almost 2 years :D

yeah haha

unique views should be unique people opening the post. Page views should be all views, for example if i come back to the post several time to check comments. It is a view but not unique view.

That example was very clear, thanks


Didn't know about this...

Lemme check..

Just checked... Seems this feature is only available for desktop and PC users..

hmm maybe u can "show as destop" on chrome on mobile?

It worked!!!


Still have a long way to go..


Lol. How come I still can't find it. And I'm using PC.

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@acidyo! @bleujay likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bleujay. (1/1)

(html comment removed: )

Thanks for sharing,got to check mine

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Oh wow, I would love to know what my views look like, I checked the dashboard but couldn't find the views and visitors.. Still searching though.

Well, I was looking and I do not see such an option, but it is a very interesting option as long as we see them from a positive point of view, as it could happen as in YouTube as a content creator that you can despair if the visits in the videos go down.

@acidyo, I paid out 26.276 HIVE and 0.000 HBD to reward 29 comments in this discussion thread.