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RE: What are your New Years Resolutions?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

But, think of it this way. Now that I know you're 50, you can adopt me as your son. And, then you can leave me in the will for all your gats. Isn't that enough to brighten up your day?


Lol...Ok but I'm not a parent already so might not be a very good dad! I might be a bit strict...Or might be a bad influence. 😂

One thing I know though, I know you'd look after said gats well. 👍


If by treating them well you mean drooling on them and caressing them all over my nude body, while then reenacting the You talkin' to me scene from Taxi Driver in the mirror, then yes. Yes I would.

Well that certainly sounds like a legit use of firearms for sure. well done son.

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