Earlier I stumbled upon tjis post by @kaerpediem. In her post she tells us about her first movie memory and asks the community about their own memory.
In an odd moment for my otherwise elephant memory, I can not recall having watched a movie at the cinema before age 10. Which is absolutely weird because my grandparents used to operate the local cinema in my town of birth and I spent every summer holiday with them. Also visiting the cinema.

But things get weirder for me when it comes to memories. I can not recall any memory before age 6. No matter how hard I try, no matter how often I try. And it doesn’t improve with age either.
And those memories are about school and visiting the library in the evening, twice a week. I also have few memories of my first football training sessions — the beautiful game with the round balls not that game with the egg. But generally early age and early youth memories are pretty rare and few between for me until around age 10. And most revolve around those three topics: school, reading, football. Nothing friends or anything family life. Most other “memories” I have of those years, and before, are from hearsay.
Funnily enough, starting around age 10 the memories become flood gates so to say.
What’s your earliest memory?
I can go as far back as 4, but the memories are jumbled up
There are bits and pieces but not chronologically...
I tried to figure out which would be my first memory, but can't put my finger on it...
I would be fine with that. Even random memories of kindergarten and life around it would be cool. But nope, all starts with first grade for me.