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RE: What's your comment to post ratio like?

in Ask the Hive3 years ago


It’s not always about the count either. Back in my early years I was known for writing comments longer than people’s posts. These days I don’t have that kind of time.

While some take auto votes for granted. Many that have been around long enough have seen old supporters power down everything and move onto other things. Lots of amazing and interesting people have come and gone over the years.


It really does depend what aspect of Hive a person is here for. Bloggers want and need the votes and the comments, they need to let their followers know they appreciate the support, so many of the youtube bloggers just do not get that.

For the social side of hive, many are here for the social connection to them there is no conflict of not enough time, (they make the time), they have no problem finding and making connections.

For the token miners, those here for just the money, they make it a job, burn out, and then move on to the next Token to burn out on.

Bloggers want and need the votes and the comments, they need to let their followers know they appreciate the support, so many of the youtube bloggers just do not get that.

I see the opposite of this. At least on YouTube. There are many comments on YouTube. Even the smallest YouTubers and the occasional video uploaders are receiving comments. And many of those comments are funny. Nowadays YouTube is probably one of the best social networks seeing from the social aspect. It just works. Most people go there mostly for the content (or person or personality of the YouTuber), and not for the just/only money. This is why it works.

I see a different side I guess, to many drama queens and kings. Lots of video here today gone tomorrow. Perhaps it has changed since I last looked, I do visit on occasion to listen to music but that is the extent of my YT visits for the last 6 or so years.

I got tired of the negative aspects of YT, FB and twitter a long time ago. Those negative attributes seem to be creeping into Hive block chain lately, where only approved content is allowed, and voicing a different opinion than the poster is tantamount to self inflected hive-a-side.

People come and go. I have also seen it over the years. This is somewhat the mirror of the real life.