What Career do you Admire most?

in Ask the Hive5 years ago

Down to my years of Academic Journey, I've always Discovered that this great burden in my Heart,

I felt really sad and unhappy, seeing Lives been lost, seeing the poor not getting proper Medical Diagnosis. When I think about the Medical sector in my Area, it's very pathetic.

My drive and Passion, led me to have the desire to become a "Medical doctor" with these reasons of mine

  1. To help provide Medical Assistance to the poor
    2.To help develop the Medical Sector of my country
  2. To help in giving Free Medical assistance for the less privilege
  3. To help train and guide upcoming Medical Aspirants to become competent in the Field of Medicine
  4. To help in the treatments of Diseases and sickness
    What Career do you admire most?


  • Writers
  • Directors
  • Artists
  • etc

I know the stress involved in creativity so I respect people in that field.

Interesting and wonderful
I also discovered that I can write something worth reading

I strongly believe that you've been making progress in achieving these@jacksondavies (53)

Thanks man.

I'm still learning to do better everyday.

Hi! Very interesting question. Personally, I really admire mechanical engineers because it's an area I don't understand much about, even though I'm trying to study these things on my own :)
Another job that I admire a lot is the medical one. For example, midwives who help give birth to babies!

That was a wonderful contributions

Have you been able to justify on the Career to choose, because you seems to have two options in your heart @delilhavores (61)

Well actually my work doesn't concern any of the two areas, but I respect and admire them very much :)
Have a nice day!

Okay no problem
No I understood what you meant

To help in the treatment of diseases and sickness


We are in line
Together we will surely achieve it...
Hope you have started doing it in your little way?
@onyigreat (45)

Let's heal the world

Yes together we can heal the world..
What's your career prospect?@jsalvage (41)