If you had the power to heal the world, which social problem will you fix first?

in Ask the Hive5 years ago


Our world is obviously broken and sick. Many things are definitely not working. Little wonder there are protests and social uprisings here and there. Each country of the world seems to struggle with big challenges no matter how scientifically advanced we have been.

Personally, I yearn for a better world. Sometimes I am confused looking at all the problems in the world. But if I had the power, I will start from solving inequality at all it's levels. Whether it's racial, financial, educational or other forms of it. Too much resources are left in the hands of few people to enjoy, while the rest of the world struggled with low level life. So I will make sure people everywhere have what everyone else had no matter where they live. I hope it will be a nice place to begin.

Now, it's your turn to tell us the social problem that bothers you most.

If you had the power to heal the world, which social problem will you fix first?


That was a great question @focusnow

Personally I really have great passion in the Health sector and Educational field, so these two aspects, are the areas I will Heal the world

Education for all, because when people are educated they can act better in times like these.

@focusnow I'll take away Sickness and death then introduce equity

Nice question @focusnow personaly I will like to take care of the needy and provide for their needs.