If you could have a superpower for one day, what would it be?

in Ask the Hive10 days ago


Would it be nice to have a superpower for one day (24h) and once it's done everything turns back to normal but you can keep whatever it is that you have done/accomplished that day?

For example, if you'd wish to have invisibility as a superpower and you'd go around stealing a bunch of things... Once the 24h is up, you get to keep all of those things you have stolen but of course there is still a risk of you getting caught since you now have some random high-valued assets in your house/account all of a sudden. The superpower just lets you do those stuff in 24h but doesn't mean you're free from consequences.


For me I would like to have a superpower of being able to read minds of everyone from all over the world. Telepathy I guess?

I could gather knowledges and write them in my notebook... sort of spying on everyone yes. Haha. I could write their ideas or plans, have knowledge of some high secret stuff, be able to know what's the next trend would be, be able to know if somebody really has a cure for cancer and just keeping it... Be able to know if they are really just scamming us on medicines and what not. Who is a high leader plotting an evil plan for the world.. What's in Area51 and what secret are they hiding...

I could write them all in my notebook just for me to get some knowledge. That would be insane to have a list of important knowledge and probably be able to do something with it afterwards. Like, you can send anonymous reports to the police, or steal ideas, buy a coin that would pump the next day, whatever. XD There's a lot of info to get in 24h and that could make me or break me.

I mean, of course I can ask for money or whatever but I'm thinking of a long term plan. With that amount of knowledge I can make myself rich - depends by doing a bad and immoral thing or an ethical one. :D


If you could have a superpower just for today, what would it be?

Also maybe a side note, if you're thinking of superpower of getting money by stealing it or printing it, you have to get it from someone else. I think. If you print money out of thin air, soon the banks would find out and stuff like that. Unless you can think of a way for you to do it without getting in trouble the next day then sure. XD But the bigger the thing is, the bigger the consequences if you mess up.



To me it's a no brainer.

A simple mask, teleport into numerous bank vaults, teleport out.
Split funds into different accounts.

In that 24 hours, I'll be set for lime 24 years...

If you're talking about crypto accounts that could work, although looking for an exchange that lets you do it anonymously and not KYC for a big amount can be hard these days. Even splitting it into different accounts are suspicious. The really hard part here is to launder the money 😂

Maybe burying it😂😂

Your ultimate fantasy is to steal money?
That's pretty depressing.

Even more depressing is there's a 100% chance you'd get caught.
And then the government would dissect you trying to figure out how to teleport themselves.

Now now...
If it's an ultimate fantasy...

Then I wouldn't be getting caught😂😂

Hey, first off nice to see you posting in the community!

I guess it would depend a bit, for instance your idea would be better utilized if you knew when those superpowered 24h were to occur so you could prepare on time to track down names of important people so you wouldn't have to do it during those 24h.

For me at this point in time I guess I'd wanna be able to pop that limitless pill and see to it that I can get as much of my ideas started and going during those 24h, maybe even learn how to code real quick since it's one of the things that's kind of blocked me over the years from doing things I wanna do. Although I have to say being a part of this community has sure made connections with the people who can code and help out a lot easier and being able to trust them that they won't scam/rug you which I'd have a hard time trusting people outside the ecosystem.

If I'd be more selfish I guess being able to teleport, I'd just wear a mask+costume during the 24h and simply teleport myself "successfully" to some high value places to take from the rich/spoiled and give to the poor while also putting aside a big chunk for myself to maybe make it easier to accomplish my ideas mentioned earlier.

Imagine just going into some areas with a lot of gold bars/high value items that don't weigh a lot but can easily be given to others and have them resell it without authorities being able to stop them since it's happening in too many places at once and spread out to others too quickly to successfully be tracked and handled. If that all could be done without it costing the countries/governments too much and if it'd help out a lot of people struggling in this economy I don't see the big harm. Maybe it'll give people a kickstart to realize it's time for universal basic income to demand it after getting a taste of it in this day and age where AI and robotics are slowly starting to creep into our labor force and even intellectual/creative section.

Just make life easier and a blessing for people, they've already drawn the lucky straw of being born in this day and age and the world isn't going to fall apart just because they don't wanna slave away at their dead end jobs. Let them live and explore life, family and the world without the constant stress just to make a few luckier people richer.

Maybe the superpower will allow me to just scan quickly with my head and the knowledge that I can get will be instant and do not have to think about names. Like scanning the internet I guess haha dunno.

I thought about the limitless pill effect too, but then I also thought about the aftermath. How can I execute all those wonderful ideas once the superpower is gone. T_T

Lol becoming Robinhood sure is also one way to steal but not face the consequences but also help someone else!

Only for 24 hours? manipulate space and time just enough to convert 1 second to a day, and spend all that 86,400 days doing stuff I can't do if I didn't have 236 years of a lifetime but without the consequences of aging faster than others through time acceleration and still be able to interact with objects slower than light speed without breaking them. It's going to be a lonely existence for the next 236 years compressed in 24 hours of someone's day but I'll come out a changed man.

Haha that broke my brain. 🤣 For others you just "woke up" the next day being a really skilled and smart man. Bruh

What kind of chant is this 🤯

A super-smart answer, indeed.

I think about it often the last year. But I want a really super super power, almost a divine one! My idea is to have the power to remove all the weapons, all the guns, all the machines that produce weapons and everything related from the earth and throw them to the sun. If people still want to kill each other after that, they can grad a wooden stick and break each others head, at least they won't destroy the whole planet doing so. But this is just a fantasy :)

Nice and sad. :( Sad that we even have to wish this.

Indeed. I am sorry if I gave a sad note on a post that was meant to be lighthearted.

@seki1 mentioned it first, but I’ve always liked the idea of teleportation as a superpower—like the one featured in the movie Jumper. I’d love to explore the world instantly and effortlessly, just by pressing a button.

I believe the world is a beautiful place, and I want to see it through my own eyes. Having the superpower of teleportation would help me achieve that in just 24 hours. (Of course, I’d also “borrow” some important items during my travels—just kidding! LOL.)

I feel that the experiences and memories of different places, even if they’re brief, are valuable to me. I wouldn’t have to deal with booking plane tickets or passing through checkpoints. Getting to the best spots in a beautiful city or scenic location would be so easy if I could simply teleport there. So that’s it—teleportation!


The movie jumper was awesome!!

I believe @ablaze mentioned it first..

Although I'm wasn't as philanthropic...


Same here, I can’t be sure to be all nice once I have this kind superpower 😂

@seki1! @curamax Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @curamax.

Indeed Logo

Those lovely experiences aren't replaced by money indeed!

Haha that's interesting prompt, but if I will have a superpower just for one day maybe it is having a power to get what I want in just one snap (more likely a genie).

I could ask for everything in just one day haha that's more likely unlimited power for one day.

This works haha

Power to heal everyone on a global scale from all kinds of sickness that are already here and yet to come :)

Such a nice selfless wish!

Thanks 😁

Well... I think that if I could have a superpower just for 24 hours I'd like to be able to do something in those 24hrs that could last really long in time, so I would feel satisfied.Something that Nobody can change after months or years. I'd think about being able to change a lot of crappy laws that exist in the world, but lets face it, governments do whatever they want with the law anytime they want, and it would take me more than 24 hrs.

Maybe I'd like to be able to identify terrible ideas or intentions of people and take them out of their heads, and it will take some time for them to incubate them again...

I'd have to somehow connect to everyone in the world, Charles Xavier-like, and do this.

I am very sure that we'd benefit a lot in the following months.

My first thought goes out to anything that can bring me financial freedom without anything exaggerated. My 2nd thought mainly goes out to something health-related and being able to cure while making people younger.

My 3rd thought would be not to want any superpower for a day as if I would actually get one, everything I know about the world and my entire belief system would totally crumble likely causing high anxiety not knowing or understanding what happened.

My 4th thought would be the superpower to get rid of the rule that it only last 24 hours.

Ah yeah, your 3rd thought makes sense too. Wishing about knowledge but what if your brain becomes overwhelmed and you realize you've been wrong the whole time lol. Wishes definitely is something to think hard about.

Lol I feel like you've threatened us with the consequences of whatever super power we decide to use for a day 😅

Now, I'm thinking of how not to change things for the worse if I go back in time (yeah, I'd want to go back in time for a day and make better decisions) 😂

Haha yeah! I've always thought about wishes and how it would be lovely to get them but also being realistic, when the time runs out then what's next? That is a nice question you have too, if you change something in the past surely it will change something in the present too but what if it's worse. lol

This brings to mind the genie and the 3 wishes. I imagine that in this case the genie is available for 24hrs and you only get one wish...

If I do get one wish for 24hrs, it would be the ability to learn anything in seconds.

Given that I get to keep it after the 24hrs, I can only imagine how different I would be as a person... I could learn everything about the money market in seconds, learn medicine in seconds...

My mind would be the most valuable resource on earth...

Yeah it reminds me of the Genie and 3 wishes as well. Growing up, I've always thought of what wishes I would do if this happens and I always try to justify it haha.

Your wish is genius! Definitely really valuable and after that you can do anything you want. :o

Mind control for me (If it is an acceptable superpower to choose :D)

But I would use my mind control on wealthy people to give me money. I wouldn't ruin any lives financially, just enough to get myself financial freedom for life.

Lmao so true, after that they'd still be rich anyway.

One of my favorite cartoons as a kid was "Captain Planet," and I remember the main characters had the ability to control natural elements like water, wind and earth. It would be great for 24 hours to handle these elements and thus relive one of those childhood dreams 😏😄.

Haha yeah that would be fun. :D

If I have one it could be a superpower to generate another super power,infinite, all possible superpowers out there. Having that would be amazing and I will generate the ability to teleport anywhere I can think of(fan of tourist spots in the world).

Second would be the super power to generate infinite money but only limited to the blue bill(1k) of course hihi then save it as your source of funds for the rest of your lives.

The third one I will generate will be the superpower to prolong our lifespan but only limited to my family.

Last one would be the superpower to predict the future. If I have this one then I can prepare for the worst ahead of time.

Nothing else...I know that generating those various superpowers have consequences later on so lets limit to that only and will not go further more.

I would turn back in time to a certain point and act differently. Would love to see how my life would turn around in that case, but also remember my current path in the same time.

If I could have a superpower for one day, I would want the ability to grow plants instantly, like Poison Ivy’s power. I would plant everything I want in our backyard, from fruit-bearing trees to herbs. Growing plants takes a long time, and on that same day, I would make them produce an abundance of fruits. Then, when my superpower is gone the next day, I would sell all the fruits and crops I harvested to make money. Or maybe I could just have the Midas touch for one day and turn everything in our house into gold. Haha!

Super cool! And then you also don't starve since you have those in your backyard. Aaand after you've harvested, it will bear fruits again after a few weeks. Hahaha. Nice!

Honestly, that's really the power I want. Sometimes when I daydream, I wish I had that kind of power. Another reason is that if I could do that, even just for one day, I could feed a lot of hungry people, and I might plant fruit-bearing trees everywhere I see, even if it's not my property. Hahaha.

I would choose the ability to teleport money from villains' vaults (like Putin). Thus, money will be my new superpower after the magic 24 hours end but I will also upset plans of scums. Then, gonna make Hive crypto number one 😎

I want to have a superpower to change the mind and would use it to change the mind of Indian govt towards crypto. They're Anti crypto and with this power I would want them to reduce taxation and create a favourable cryptocurrency infrastructure and rules

That would be good for everyone!

I would like to Go back in time and fix some wrong decisions that I have made in past. This can be done with superpowers only..

I would heal all sick people

I'd love to be able to fly, I don't think I'd even want to have teleportation, just to fly, to be able to go out into the sky feeling the wind, seeing everything from above, it would be incredible

Your own idea of what you'd do is actually brilliant! Damn.

For me it would simply be teleportation. With teleportation I can be in and out of vaults a million times in a day. I wouldn't be robbing no good people, though, I'd just rob drug kingpins, corrupt politicians, etc. There are too many bad people to rob.

By the end of 24 hrs I'd have trillions of dollars. And a clear happy bubbling conscience 🙃

Haha I like the idea of robbing only the bad guys. :D

Of course. That needed to be stressed 🌚

Turning my imagination in reality.But I don't think that this is a fair choice because that would be like having multiple powers?

In that case instant transmission In a day I would travel the world take some cool photos and would have content for my blog for few years.

I think it's still fair as long as it will be done in 24h. Are you ready to deal with all of those reality at the same time? Might overwhelm you or something the next day once the superpower is done haha.

Traveling is great too plus you can experience a lot of things and not just photos :D

Fair enough. I don't think that I could handle that.

Or... maybe you can just deal with them one by one after. Figure out a system where you could keep them somewhere maybe for months and years and then just have it revealed/unlocked at some point once you're able to deal with the other things. That way it's not too overwhelming! Haha

Ohhh, telepathy, a good super power. But if you can read mind you maybe encounter a killer who's on their mind was murder. You know like they are thinking too how they will do it. Though it has a kow chabce, still, OMG! hahaha. For me I really want teleportation, uwu. I want to travel everywhere, even out of the country for a short time, just take photos, buy souvenirs, etc,. But I will just keep all the photo so that no one will know haha. I don't really go outside so I say, nmaybe its safuuuu 😆😆✨

haha then I can warn the target and prevent a crime. 🤣 But yeah every superpower has a downside too and if you're not careful it can overwhelm you.

Do you also want to travel outside earth in that case? I mean technically it's still traveling haha

Hahaha, it's really impossible not to have a consequences no. Haha but for sure some will still take the risk.

Nahhh, i'll need items for sure to go outside earth and it'll be expensive. So just out of the country 😆😆

I think it's just realistic to think about the aftermath too because you can wish anything for 24h but it would be useless if you'll suffer after that lol. Unless you think they are all worth it :D

Oh I forgot you have to be able to breathe and stand the extreme temperatures as well which isn't covered by the superpower hahaha my bad


I'm just missing someone, and I want to see what my life would be like if this person were still around.

Aaaww. untitled.gif

In my case it can be possibility to return time back to correct mistakes what I've done. Another one possibility it can be to predict future and tell what was in the past)

I hope you recover and heal from whatever it is in the past. :>

Easy! I've only wanted to be in two places at the same time foreeevverrrr..

Kinda poetic but also I guess I understand the literal meaning. :D

I was going to say freeze time to hack the 24 rule but looks like someone beat me to it.

You can always have the same wishes for different reasoning lol

If I had a superpower, I will be a hacker 😅.

So you're saying hackers are superhumans? :o

He hee kind of those who have the skills, they are 😋

telepathy. chismis. WAHAHAHAHAHA.

Hahah yeah knowing the tea everywhere 🤣

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